A riveting, revealing and news-making account of the CIA's
interrogation of Saddam, written by the CIA agent who conducted the
questioning. In December 2003, after one of the largest, most
aggressive manhunts in history, US military forces captured Iraqi
president Saddam Hussein near his hometown of Tikrit. Beset by
body-double rumors and false alarms during a nine-month search, the
Bush administration needed positive identification of the prisoner
before it could make the announcement that would rocket around the
world.At the time, John Nixon was a senior CIA leadership analyst
who had spent years studying the Iraqi dictator. Called upon to
make the official ID, Nixon looked for telltale scars and tribal
tattoos and asked Hussein a list of questions only he could answer.
The man was indeed Saddam Hussein, but as Nixon learned in the
ensuing weeks, both he and America had greatly misunderstood just
who Saddam Hussein really was.Debriefing the President presents an
astounding, candid portrait of one of our era’s most notorious
strongmen. Nixon, the first man to conduct a prolonged
interrogation of Hussein after his capture, offers expert insight
into the history and mind of America’s most enigmatic enemy. After
years of parsing Hussein’s leadership from afar, Nixon faithfully
recounts his debriefing sessions and subsequently strips away the
mythology surrounding an equally brutal and complex man. His
account is not an apology, but a sobering examination of how
preconceived ideas led Washington policymakers?and Tony Blair's
government ?astray. Unflinching and unprecedented, Debriefing the
President exposes a fundamental misreading of one of the modern
world’s most central figures and presents a new narrative that
boldly counters the received account.
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