In May 1997, the world watched as Garry Kasparov, the greatest
chess player in the world, was defeated for the first time by the
IBM supercomputer Deep Blue. It was a watershed moment in the
history of technology: machine intelligence had arrived at the
point where it could best human intellect.It wasn't a coincidence
that Kasparov became the symbol of man's fight against the
machines. Chess has long been the fulcrum in development of machine
intelligence, the hoax automaton ",The Turk", in the 18th century
and Alan Turing's first chess program in 1952 were two early
examples of the quest for machines to think like humans--a talent
we measured by their ability to beat their creators at chess.As the
preeminent chessmaster of the 80s and 90s, it was Kasparov's
blessing and his curse to play against each generation's strongest
computer champions, contributing to their development and advancing
the field. Like all passionate competitors, Kasparov has taken his
defeat and learned from it. He has devoted much energy to devising
ways in which humans can partner with machines in order to produce
results better than either can achieve alone. During the twenty
years since playing Deep Blue, he's played both with and against
machines, learning a great deal about our vital relationship with
our most remarkable creations. Ultimately, he's become convinced
that by embracing the competition between human and machine
intelligence, we can spend less time worrying about being replaced
and more thinking of new challenges to conquer.In this breakthrough
book, Kasparov tells his side of the story of Deep Blue for the
first time--what it was like to strategize against an implacable,
untiring opponent--the mistakes he made and the reasons the odds
were against him. But more than that, he tells his story of AI more
generally, and how he's evolved to embrace it, taking part in an
urgent debate with philosophers worried about human values,
programmers creating self-learning neural networks, and engineers
of cutting edge robotics. He surveys the serious questions facing a
world that is becoming increasingly reliant on AI, creating an
essential guide for the business readers and educators he speaks to
by the thousands every year
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