Tracklist: Disc 1: 1 The Celtic Soul Brothers 2 Let's Make This
Precious 3 All in All (This One Last Wild Waltz) 4 Jackie Wilson
Said (I'm in Heaven When You Smile) 5 Old 6 Plan B 7 I'll Show You
8 Liars a to E 9 Until I Believe in My Soul 10 Come On Eileen Disc
2: 1 Show Me (Single A-side - 1981) 2 Soon (B-side of 'Show Me'
Single - 1981) 3 ...And Yes We Must Remain the Wildhearted
Outsiders (B-side of 'Liars a to E' Single - 1981) 4 Love Part 2
(B-side of 'The Celtic Soul Brothers' Single - 1982) 5 Let's Make
This Precious 6 Come On Eileen (Single Edit - 1982) 7 Dubious
(B-side of 'Come On Eileen' Single - 1982) 8 T.S.O.P. (B-side of
'Jackie Wilson Said..' 12" Single - 1982) 9 Let's Get This Straight
from the Start (Non-album Single - 1982) 10 Reminisce (Part 1)
[b-side of 'The Celtic Soul Brothers' 12" Single - 1983) 11 Let's
Make This Precious (Out-take - Previously Unreleased) 12 'Smoke
Your Own' (Aka 'Liars a to E', 1981) [out-take - Previously
Unreleased] 13 Until I Believe in My Soul (Out-take - Previously
Unreleased) Disc 3: 1 Old (Live at the Shaftesbury Theatre, October
1982) 2 Geno (Live at the Shaftesbury Theatre, October 1982) 3
Let's Get This Straight from the Start (Live at the Shaftesbury
Theatre, October 1982) 4 All in All (This One Last Wild Waltz)
[live at the Shaftesbury Theatre, October 1982] 5 Tell Me When My
Light Turns Green (Live at the Shaftesbury Theatre, October 1982) 6
Plan B (Live at the Shaftesbury Theatre, October 1982) 7 Let's Make
This Precious (Live at the Shaftesbury Theatre, October 1982) 8 I
Couldn't Help If I Tried (Live at the Shaftesbury Theatre, October
1982) 9 Until I Believe in My Soul (Live at the Shaftesbury
Theatre, October 1982) 10 Jackie Wilson Said (I'm in Heaven When
You Smile) [live at the Shaftesbury Theatre, October 1982] 11
Respect (Live at the Shaftesbury Theatre, October 1982) 12 There,
There, My Dear (Live at the Shaftesbury Theatre, October 1982) 13
Come On Eileen (Live at the Shaftesbury Theatre, October 1982) 14
Seven Days Too Long (Live at the Shaftesbury Theatre, October 1982)
15 The Celtic Soul Brothers (Live at the Shaftesbury Theatre,
October 1982) 16 I'm Just Looking (Live at the Shaftesbury Theatre,
October 1982)
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