Doors, The - Live At The Matrix 1967 3CD
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19,94 €
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KDO: Americká rocková kapela The Doors, jenž se zformovala v Los
Angeles v roce 1965, patří k nejdůležitějším skupinám hudební
historie. Existenci Doors ukončila už v roce 1971 tragická smrt
zpěváka Jima Morrisona, přesto jejich tvorba dodnes oslovuje nové a
nové posluchače. CO: V úplných začátcích Doors odehráli koncert v
malém klubu The Matrix, který spoluvlastnil Marty Balin z Jefferson
Airplane. V té době bylo pravidlem, že kapely z Los Angeles musely
po příjezdu do San Francisca v klubu zahrát na výraz uznání
skupinám, které vybudovaly místní scénu. Doors si tuto symbolickou
povinnost splnili v březnu 1967. Dvě z jejich vystoupení byla
zdokumentována a později také zčásti vydány z nalezené kopie. Nyní
byly v archivech nalezeny kompletní původní záznamy, oba koncerty
tak nyní mohou být zveřejněny v plné délce v remasterované podobě
vzniklé z originálních pásků. Live At The Matrix je k dispozici na
5LP s bonusovým sedmipalcovým singlem (limitovaný náklad 14.000 ks)
a 3CD (limitovaný náklad 21.000 ks)… CD1 1. Bags' Groove
(Instrumental) [Live at The Matrix, San Francisco, CA 3/10/67]
[08:40] 2. Back Door Man (Live at The Matrix, San Francisco, CA
3/7/67) [2023 Remaster] [05:31] 3. My Eyes Have Seen You (Live at
The Matrix, San Francisco, CA 3/7/67) [2023 Remaster] [02:55] 4.
Soul Kitchen (Live at The Matrix, San Francisco, CA 3/7/67) [2023
Remaster] [03:57] 5. All Blues (Live at The Matrix, San Francisco,
CA 3/7/67) [2023 Remaster] [08:06] 6. Get Out of My Life Woman
(Live at The Matrix, San Francisco, CA 3/7/67) [2023 Remaster]
[04:00] 7. When the Music's Over (Live at The Matrix, San
Francisco, CA 3/7/67) [2023 Remaster] [12:37] 8. Close to You (Live
at The Matrix, San Francisco, CA 3/7/67) [2023 Remaster] [02:58] 9.
Crawling King Snake (Live at The Matrix, San Francisco, CA 3/7/67)
[2023 Remaster] [04:55] 10. I Can't See Your Face in My Mind (Live
at The Matrix, San Francisco, CA 3/7/67) [2023 Remaster] [03:13]
11. People Are Strange (Live at The Matrix, San Francisco, CA
3/7/67) [2023 Remaster] [02:19] 12. Alabama Song (Whisky Bar) [Live
at The Matrix, San Francisco, CA 3/7/67] [2023 Remaster] [03:36]
13. The Crystal Ship (Live at The Matrix, San Francisco, CA 3/7/67)
[2023 Remaster] [03:06] 14. Twentieth Century Fox (Live at The
Matrix, San Francisco, CA 3/7/67) [2023 Remaster] [02:45] CD2 1.
Moonlight Drive (Live at The Matrix, San Francisco, CA 3/7/67)
[2023 Remaster] [05:27] 2. Summer's Almost Gone (Live at The
Matrix, San Francisco, CA 3/7/67) [2023 Remaster] [03:31] 3.
Unhappy Girl (Live at The Matrix, San Francisco, CA 3/7/67) [2023
Remaster] [03:59] 4. Woman Is a Devil / Rock Me Baby (Live at The
Matrix, San Francisco, CA 3/7/67) [2023 Remaster] [08:12] 5. Break
on Through (To the Other Side) [Live at The Matrix, San Francisco,
CA 3/7/67] [2023 Remaster] [03:31] 6. Light My Fire (Live at The
Matrix, San Francisco, CA 3/7/67) [2023 Remaster] [08:20] 7. The
End (Live at The Matrix, San Francisco, CA 3/7/67) [2023 Remaster]
[14:10] 8. My Eyes Have Seen You (Live at The Matrix, San
Francisco, CA 3/10/67) [2023 Remaster] [02:59] 9. Soul Kitchen
(Live at The Matrix, San Francisco, CA 3/10/67) [2023 Remaster]
[05:52] 10. I Can't See Your Face in My Mind (Live at The Matrix,
San Francisco, CA 3/10/67) [2023 Remaster] [03:08] 11. People Are
Strange (Live at The Matrix, San Francisco, CA 3/10/67) [2023
Remaster] [02:16] 12. When the Music's Over (Live at The Matrix,
San Francisco, CA 3/10/67) [2023 Remaster] [11:15] CD3 1. Money
(Live at The Matrix, San Francisco, CA 3/10/67) [2023 Remaster]
[03:00] 2. Who Do You Love (Live at The Matrix, San Francisco, CA
3/10/67) [2023 Remaster] [04:34] 3. Moonlight Drive (Live at The
Matrix, San Francisco, CA 3/10/67) [2023 Remaster] [04:34] 4.
Summer's Almost Gone (Live at The Matrix, San Francisco, CA
3/10/67) [2023 Remaster] [03:47] 5. I'm a King Bee (Live at The
Matrix, San Francisco, CA 3/10/67) [2023 Remaster] [03:52] 6.
Gloria (Live at The Matrix, San Francisco, CA 3/10/67) [2023
Remaster] [05:38] 7. Break on Through (To the Other Side) [Live at
The Matrix, San Francisco, CA 3/10/67] [2023 Remaster] [03:43] 8.
Summertime (Live at The Matrix, San Francisco, CA 3/10/67) [2023
Remaster] [08:30] 9. Back Door Man (Live at The Matrix, San
Francisco, CA 3/10/67) [2023 Remaster] [05:12] 10. Alabama Song
(Whisky Bar) [Live at The Matrix, San Francisco, CA 3/10/67] [2023
Remaster] [03:16] 11. The End (Partial) / Let's Feed Ice Cream to
the Rats [Live at The Matrix, San Francisco, CA 3/10/67] [2023
Remaster] [04:32]