Drunk on Love

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Knihu kúpite v 1 e-shope od 15,62 €

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Drunk on Love kúpite na Knihyprekazdeho.sk
15,62 €
Skladom (dodanie do 3 dní)

Krátky popis
Nothing goes to your head as fast as a taste of love . . . Margot Noble needs some relief from the stress of running her family winery. Enter Luke: sexy, charming, and best of all in the too-small world of Napa, a stranger, promising to be the perfect one-night stand she'll never have to see again. That is, until Luke walks in the next morning as their newest hire. And with the attraction still bubbling between them, Margot is finding it a challenge to keep things purely professional. Luke Williams had it all, but when burnout causes him to quit his high-salary tech job in Silicon Valley and move back to Napa, he doesn't want to tell the world - or his mom, who loves bragging about her successful son - why he's now working at a winery. The only thing Luke knows for certain is that he wants more with his smart and sexy new boss. But even if they can find a way to be together that wouldn't be an ethical nightmare, would such a successful woman really want a tech-world dropout?
Výber kníh autora Guillory Jasmine

Zobraziť všetky knihy autora Guillory Jasmine
Výber kníh vydavateľa Headline

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Naše tipy

Pán Prsteňov 3: Návrat kráľa
Pokračovanie úspešnej trilógie Pán Prsteňov, v ktorom sa zavŕši príbeh putovania hobita Froda k Puklinám osudu a vojny, ktorá zavládla v Stredozemi. Knihu preložil Otakar Kořínek.