Edgar Allan Poe's Classic Tales of Horror

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Edgar Allan Poe's Classic Tales of Horror kúpite na Knihyprekazdeho.sk
12,30 €
Skladom (dodanie do 3 dní)

Krátky popis
This handsome hardback collection brings together 20 chilling horror stories from the maestro of suspense, Edgar Allan Poe, presented with a gold-embossed cover design, gilded page edges and beautiful endpapers. Edgar Allen Poe is regarded as one of the greatest American writers and a pioneer of the horror genre, and this collection brings together some of his most celebrated tales. Themes of guilt, fear and revenge abound as the master of gothic horror transports readers to mysterious worlds, carries them on dangerous sea voyages, and investigates gruesome murders. Exploring the hidden depths of the human mind, these are tales full of thrills and intrigue. Includes:• The Fall of the House of Usher• The Tell-Tale Heart • The Black Cat• The Cask of Amontillado• The Masque of the Red Death• The Pit and the PendulumThis elegant pocket-sized gift edition contains the classic and unabridged stories, presented with a gold embossed cover design, ivory paper, beautifully designed endpapers and black gilded page edges. Part of the Arcturus Ornate Classicsseries, this edition makes wonderful gift for any lovers of classic fiction.ABOUT THE SERIES: Arcturus Ornate Classics are beautifully bound editions of iconic literary works across history. These compact, foil-embossed hardbacks are printed using deluxe ivory paper and make the perfect gift.

Zobraziť všetky knihy autora Edgar Allan Poe, Arcturus Publishing Ltd
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Mimi a Líza
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