Electric City: The Lost History of Ford and Edison's American Utopia
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The extraordinary, unknown story of two giants of American
history-Henry Ford and Thomas Edison-and their attempt to create an
electric-powered city of tomorrow on the Tennessee River During the
roaring twenties, two of the most revered and influential men in
American business proposed to transform one of the country's
poorest regions into a dream technological metropolis, a shining
paradise of small farms, giant factories, and sparkling
laboratories. Henry Ford and Thomas Edison's ",Detroit of the
South", would be ten times the size of Manhattan, powered by
renewable energy, and free of air pollution. And it would reshape
American society, introducing mass commuting by car, use a new kind
of currency called ",energy dollars,", and have the added benefit
(from Ford and Edison's view) of crippling the growth of
socialism.The whole audacious scheme almost came off, with
Southerners rallying to support what became known as the Ford
Plan.But while some saw it as a way to conjure the future and
reinvent the South, others saw it as one of the biggest land
swindles of all time. They were all true.Electric City is a rich
chronicle of the time and the social backdrop, and offers a fresh
look at the lives of the two men who almost saw the project to
fruition, the forces that came to oppose them, and what rose in its
stead: a new kind of public corporation called the Tennessee Valley
Authority, one of the greatest achievements of the New Deal. This
is a history for a wide audience, including readers interested in
American history, technology, politics, and the future.