'My new favourite book of all time' Bill GatesTOP TEN SUNDAY TIMES
BESTSELLERIs modernity really failing? Or have we failed to
appreciate progress and the ideals that make it possible?If you
follow the headlines, the world in the 21st century appears to be
sinking into chaos, hatred, and irrationality. Yet Steven Pinker
shows that this is an illusion - a symptom of historical amnesia
and statistical fallacies. If you follow the trendlines rather than
the headlines, you discover that our lives have become longer,
healthier, safer, happier, more peaceful, more stimulating and more
prosperous - not just in the West, but worldwide.Such progress is
no accident: it's the gift of a coherent and inspiring value system
that many of us embrace without even realizing it. These are the
values of the Enlightenment: of reason, science, humanism and
progress. The challenges we face today are formidable, including
inequality, climate change, Artificial Intelligence and nuclear
weapons.But the way to deal with them is not to sink into despair
or try to lurch back to a mythical idyllic past, it's to treat them
as problems we can solve, as we have solved other problems in the
past. In making the case for an Enlightenment newly recharged for
the 21st century, Pinker shows how we can use our faculties of
reason and sympathy to solve the problems that inevitably come with
being products of evolution in an indifferent universe. We will
never have a perfect world, but - defying the chorus of fatalism
and reaction - we can continue to make it a better one.
Vývoj ceny
Aktuálna Ø cena knihy Enlightenment Now : The Case for Reason, je 16,10 €
Viete o tom, že čertov obraz nad hlavným vchodom do bratislavskej
Starej radnice sa nedá zamaľovať, hoci sa o to pokúšal nejeden
maliar? Poznáte príbeh o mníchovi z Blatnického hradu, ktorého
lebka so zámkou na spodnej čeľusti je uložená v Národnom múzeu v
Budapešti? A tušíte, že vo Vajnoroch sa stále rodí taká mocná vínna
réva, čo porazí draka? Naše slovenské povesti majú rovnakú silu ako
víno, čo rokmi dozrieva a stúpa na hodnote. Poodhalia vám rúško
dávnej minulosti, osudy bohatých i biednych aj tajomný svet
zakliatych panien, bosoriek, vodníkov, čertov a ďalších prízrakov,
čo dodnes strážia poklady v tajných chodbách, štrngocú kľúčmi, za
splnu príšerne kvília alebo vám fúknu do tváre mŕtvolný chlad, z
ktorého mrazí a vlasy vstávajú dupkom... Preneste sa o niekoľko
storočí späť a príjemne sa chvejte pri čítaní strašidelných
povestí! S ilustráciami Svetozára Košického Pre čitateľov od 10
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