Packed with fun facts and incredible visuals, this Earth
encyclopedia covers everything from supervolcanoes to tsunamis.
Welcome to the Explanatorium, where the wonders of science are
revealed. Watch as tectonic plates tear apart and collide.Witness
the destructive power of earthquakes, tsunamis, and hurricanes.
This science book for kids aged 9-12 answers the biggest and
smallest questions about our planet, whether it’s tornadoes,
tsunamis or tectonic plates. Exploratorium of Earth brings science
to life with striking photographic explanations, helping kids to
understand just how the world works.This fact-filled science
compendium for children offers: - An extensive guide to our planet
– breaking down science in an age-appropriate way for children aged
9-12. - Supports the science curriculum in schools up to Key Stage
3. - A microscope, telescope and kaleidoscope of knowledge all
rolled into one, with breathtaking photography to illustrate key
concepts.What makes volcanoes erupt? Why are tornadoes and
hurricanes so destructive? How do rocks, fossils, and gems form? Go
on an incredible voyage deep into the heart of our planet and back
to discover the powerful forces that continually shape and remodel
our ever-changing world. Discover how tectonic plates move
millimetre by millimetre to create continents, mountain ranges,
oceans, and volcanoes. Witness the destructive power of
earthquakes, tsunamis, and hurricanes.Be inspired by all this and
more in this ultimate guide to Earth for budding scientists. More
in the seriesIf you liked Exploratorium of Earth and testing your
knowledge of the world around us, then why not try Explanatorium of
Science for budding young scientists, to learn all the
groundbreaking discoveries throughout the history of science?
Pán prsteňov je dielo, ktoré sa v uplynulých desaťročiach dočkalo
desiatok vydaní na celom svete. Dramatický a spletitý príbeh o
čarovnom Prsteni si získal milióny čitateľov a popredné miesto v
klasickom fonde svetovej fantastickej literatúry. Tolkienov
rozprávačský talent a záujem o mytológiu vytvoril neuveriteľný svet
fantázie, schopný vtiahnuť do svojho deja mladých i dospelých
milovníkov čarovných príbehov o rozprávkových bytostiach z
tajomných končín krajiny Stredozeme, ktorej existencia je ohrozená
rozpínajúcim sa zlom. Dve veže sú pokračovaním príbehu po rozpade
Spoločenstva Prsteňa. Knihu preložil Otakar Kořínek.
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