Five Nights at Freddy's: Fazbear Frights Graphic Novel Collection Vol. 5

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Five Nights at Freddy's: Fazbear Frights Graphic Novel Collection Vol. 5 kúpite na
15,15 €
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Krátky popis
&,nbsp, The New York Times bestselling series is now a graphic novel series! Five Nights at Freddy's fans won't want to miss this pulse-pounding collection of three novella-length comic stories that will keep even the bravest player up at night... Frustrated by an unfair arcade game, Colton throws himself into re-engineering the device at any cost... Mott quickly flushes his brother's creepy new pets down the drain, but the creatures have other plans...Aimee finally works up the courage to ditch her loud-mouthed, annoying friend at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. But when it comes to Five Nights at Freddy's, even the most ordinary seeming actions can reap horrible consequences. In this volume, three stories from the New York Times bestselling series Five Nights at Freddy's: Fazbear Frights come to life in delightfully horrifying comics.Readers beware: this collection of terrifying tales is enough to unsettle even the most hardened Five Nights at Freddy's fans... This collection of terrifying tales is enough to unsettle even the most hardened Five Nights at Freddy's fans Told through delightfully scary artwork Three novella-length comic stories that will keep even the bravest player up at night Five Nights at Freddy's Fazbear Frights is a NYT Bestselling series! This series features the newest, futuristic animatronics and settings from the upcoming Freddy games Perfect for gamers and fans of horror
Výber kníh autorov Scott Cawthon , Scholastic US

Zobraziť všetky knihy autora Scott Cawthon, Scholastic US
Výber kníh vydavateľa Slovart

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Mimi a Líza
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