Food For Thought

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39,85 €
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",Food for Thought",, edited by Vicente Todoli, director of the Tate Modern (London) and by Richard Hamilton, American contemporary pop-art legend, explores Adria's participation in Documenta 12 and the debates this has stimulated between the worlds of gastronomy and art. ",Food For Thought", compiles the discussions of the artists, chefs, critics, gallerists, and curators who took part in two round tables at elBulli, presenting the voices of 12 potent personalities of the art and gastronomic worlds, opening the boundaries between kitchen and art. This work offers a fascinating look at artistic expression and gastronomic creativity, featuring breath-taking photos of Adria's creations with texts and discussions by internationally acclaimed creators and critics. Ferran Adria has revolutionized the world of gastronomy over the last 20 years. Adria has appeared on the cover of ",The New York Times Magazine", as the leader of A New Nouvelle Cuisine. A Le Monde named him as the best chef in the world and ",Time", magazine included him in the 100 most influential personalities on the planet. Adria's restaurant, elBulli, was awarded 3 Michelin stars and recognized 4 times as the world's best restaurant by ",The Restaurant Magazine",. So original and poetically sensible is his approach to cooking that he is considered to be the greatest 'artist of the kitchen' of his generation. In 2007, Adria was the first chef ever to be invited to participate in Documenta (Kassel, Germany), considered to be the most important international art exhibition. Adria himself said during the presentation of the Spanish version of the book in his ironic and witty way that, 'after the publication of this book /he/ could rest in peace, as far as /his/ professional life is concerned'.
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