Experience the legendary history of Formula 1 in this new edition
of the definitive illustrated book. Fully revised and updated,
Formula 1: The Official History is an electrifying account of the
F1 phenomenon, telling the complete story of one of the world's
most popular, thrilling, and glamorous sports. Bringing together a
superbly written account of the history of the sport by acclaimed
author Maurice Hamilton, and an exceptional selection of stunning
images from across seven decades of F1 racing, the book charts the
FIA Formula One World Championship, decade by decade, from its
first race at Silverstone in May 1950 right through to end of last
season's championship.Each chapter tells the fascinating stories
behind the greatest drivers and teams, important personnel, famous
and infamous incidents, as well as key changes to the rules on
design, safety and competitiveness. These tales are accompanied by
more than 250 exceptional photographs featuring icons past and
present, including Ayrton Senna, Michael Schumacher, Alain Prost,
Sebastian Vettel, Lewis Hamilton and Max Verstappen. Accessible and
entertaining for any F1 fan, and with a foreword by Ross Brawn,
Managing Director of the FIA Formula One World Championship, this
is the definitive visual history of the sport.
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Aktuálna Ø cena knihy Formula 1: The Official History je 33,94 €
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