Wild child Isidora Avramov is a thrill chaser, adept demon
summoner, and-despite the whole sexy-evil-sorceress vibe-also a
cuddly animal lover. When she's not designing costumes and new
storylines for the Arcane Emporium's haunted house, Issa's nursing
a secret, conflicted dream of ditching her family's witchy business
to become an indie fashion designer in her own right. But when
someone starts sabotaging the celebrations leading up to this
year's Beltane festival with dark, dangerous magic, a member of the
rival Thorn family gets badly hurt-throwing immediate suspicion on
the Avramovs. To clear the Avramov name and step up for her family
when they need her the most, Issa agrees to serve as a
co-investigator, helping none other than Rowan Thorn get to the
bottom of things. Rowan is the very definition of lawful good, so
tragically noble and by-the-book he makes Issa's teeth hurt. In
accordance with their families' complicated history, he and Issa
have been archenemies for years and have grown to heartily loathe
each other. But as the unlikely duo follow a perplexing trail of
clues to a stunning conclusion, Issa and Rowan discover how little
they really know each other... and stumble upon a maddening
attraction that becomes harder to ignore by the day.
Vývoj ceny
Aktuálna Ø cena knihy From Bad to Cursed je 12,30 €
Unesené dieťa, zúfalý otec a jeho pekelný výlet do útrob
psychiatrie, aby sa dozvedel priamo od vraha, čo sa stalo s jeho
dieťaťom. Osvedčený a vynikajúci Fitzek vezme čitateľa na
dobrodružnú cestu, kde mu na každom kilometri vyrazí dych nečakané
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