Funny You Should Ask

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'Delightful banter, hot romance and a love story that's worthy of the big screen' Kate Spencer, author of In a New York MinuteTen years later and she still has butterflies. But does he feel the same way?Then. Twenty-something writer Chani Horowitz is stuck.While her former classmates are nabbing high-profile book deals, all she does is churn out puff pieces. Then she's hired to write a profile of movie star Gabe Parker: her number one celebrity crush and the latest James Bond. All Chani wants to do is keep her cool and nail the piece.But what comes next proves to be life changing in ways she never saw coming, as the interview turns into a whirlwind weekend that has the tabloids buzzing - and Chani getting closer to Gabe than she had planned. Now. Ten years later, after a brutal divorce and a healthy dose of therapy, Chani is back in Los Angeles as a successful writer with the career of her dreams.Except that no matter what she's promoting, someone always asks about The Profile. It always comes back to Gabe. So when his PR team requests that they reunite for a second interview, she wants to say no.She wants to pretend that she's forgotten about the time they spent together. But the truth is that Chani wants to know if those seventy-two hours were as memorable to Gabe as they were to her. And so .. . she says yes.Alternating between their first meeting and their reunion a decade later, this deliciously irresistible novel will have you hanging on until the last word. Praise for Funny You Should Ask'A breezy, addictive romance - I couldn't put it down!' Rachel Lynn Solomon'A smart, sensitive story full of love and longing - not to mention a totally swoonworthy hero' Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan'A beautiful, fun, heartfelt love story that I couldn't put down' Maurene Goo
Výber kníh autorov Piatkus Books , Sussman Elissa

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