Good Half Gone

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‘The ending shattered me in a way only Tarryn Fisher can!’ Colleen Hoover, Sunday Times bestselling author An explosive new thriller from the Sunday Times bestselling author of Never Never! ‘A defiant stand against the things that haunt us. The ending shattered me in a way only Tarryn Fisher can!’ Colleen Hoover Iris Walsh saw her twin sister, Piper, get kidnapped – so why does no one believe her? Iris narrowly escaped her pretty, popular twin sister’s fate as a teen – vanished long before the cops agreed to investigate. With no evidence to go on but a few fractured memories, the case quickly went cold.Now an adult, Iris wants one thing – proof. And if the police still won’t help, she’ll just have to find it her own way, by interning at the isolated Shoal Island Hospital for the criminally insane, where secrets lurk in the shadows and are kept under lock and key. But Iris soon realizes that something even more sinister is simmering beneath the surface of the Shoal, and that the patients aren’t the only ones being observed… Praise for Tarryn Fisher: ‘Will leave the most sure-footed reader uneasy until the last word is read’ Sunday Times bestselling author Colleen Hoover ‘A compulsive, brilliant, enthralling thriller… a novel that totally captures absolute love and utter deception, total obsession and cruel betrayal.I was hooked to the very last page’ Sunday Times bestselling author, Adele Parks ‘Fans of B A Paris will love this addictive page-turner’ Woman’s Weekly ‘This page-turning psychological thriller by Tarryn Fisher will leave you guessing right until the end’ HELLO! ‘A perfect page-turner…a must-read’ Woman &,amp, Home ‘Gripping’ Bella ‘Compelling page-turner from a great writing duo’ My Weekly ‘A glorious thriller – you’ll be asking for more!’ Chat ‘A tortuous romance mystery that will keep you guessing’ Sunday Post ‘A fantastic thriller that asks the question: how well do we know the people we love? Filled with twists and turns you won't see coming’ PopSugar ‘Not just an original story but an equally original plot twist … an emotional and psychological crescendo that will keep readers on their toes until its final page’ USA Today

Zobraziť všetky knihy autora Fisher Tarryn, HarperCollins Publishers
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