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Greekish kúpite na
32,25 €
Skladom (dodanie do 3 dní)

Krátky popis
120 STRAIGHT-FORWARD AND STRAIGHT-UP TASTY RECIPES FROM AWARD WINNING FOOD WRITER, GEORGINA HAYDENBrimming with vibrant, modern food that sings of the Mediterranean, Greekish is a must-have for simple recipes that are perfect any day of the week. ‘THIS FOOD, FROM MY GREEKISH SISTER, IS EXACTLY THE KIND I WANT TO EAT’ JAMIE OLIVER‘If you like Greek food, you’ll adore Greekish!’ Itamar Srulovich, Honey &,amp, Co‘Sunshine on a plate’ Tom Kerridge____________________‘This book? It’s Greek. ish.And if you are saying ‘ish’ with a scrunched-up nose, a squinted eye and a slight wobble of the head or tilt of the hand, then you are on the right track. Truth be told, when it comes to writing recipes, sometimes hiding behind tradition actually makes life easier. You don’t like something? Take it up with my ancestors.But these Greekish dishes are all me and I think they’re some of the best I have written. I hope that you love them, that they become part of your repertoire and that over time you make them your own.’ Inspired by her Greek-Cypriot roots and Greek travels, Georgina has collected recipes that are easy, bursting with flavour and sure to be cooked on repeat. With fewer ingredients and less stress, the recipes include familiar Mediterranean classics, as well as plenty of Greek-influenced dishes with Georgina’s twists.Standout recipes include:Fried sesame cheese bites to serve up as an irresistible snackTuna, egg and caper salad to make an easy lunchSticky aubergine and pomegranate tart for a crowd-pleasing centrepieceSpanakopita jacket potatoes as a twist on the weeknight classicOne-pot pastisio for an easy meal everyone will loveMeat, fish and veggie kebabs delivering the ultimate barbecueBaklava cheesecake as a show-stopping dessertThere are easy breakfasts, small dishes and snacks, salads, desserts and even whole sections of recipes inspired by the iconic spanakopita and baklava. Greekish is full of flavour-packed recipes that are easy, enticing and ready to be made your own. ______________‘Vibrant, flavoursome food that everyone can enjoy’ Tom Kerridge‘Simple, vibrant, joyful dishes’ Jamie Oliver‘Georgina has a magic touch – her food looks and tastes so beautiful and is always so easy to make’ Itamar Srulovich, Honey &,amp, Co

Zobraziť všetky knihy autora Bloomsbury Publishing, Georgina Hayden
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