Hate at First Sight: The UNMISSABLE enemies-to-lovers romcom of 2023

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Hate at First Sight: The UNMISSABLE enemies-to-lovers romcom of 2023 kúpite na Knihyprekazdeho.sk
13,25 €
Skladom (dodanie do 3 dní)

Krátky popis
THEY SAY IT'S A THIN LINE BETWEEN LOVE AND . . .HATE AT FIRST SIGHT. Kate hates feeling out of control. Her incessant need to overprepare has always served her well.Yet nothing could have prepared her for today. Not only is she being evicted from her flat . .. by her best friend, but now her boss has announced cost-cutting measures that will put her job in jeopardy. She may not love the company she works for, but she's worked too hard for too long to just give up.So she's ready to prove herself. The catch? If she wants to save her job, she'll have to work with creative, happy-go-lucky Harry. The one man she's spent the last five years trying to forget.But what happens when that line you've drawn starts to blur?This witty, dizzying, snort-with-laughter enemies-to-lovers romantic comedy is an instantly unputdownable and unmissable treat that will have you falling head over heels in love with its characters. Perfect for fans of Sally Thorne, Emily Henry, Talia Hibbert, Mhairi McFarlane and Beth O'Leary. ------Fall in love with Lizzie O'Hagan's romcoms:'I absolutely loved this book, so much so that I devoured it in two sittings! Their banter was fab .. . fabulous' 'This was a fabulous slow burn romance.A will they, won't they with so much more' 'I wanted to stay with these wonderful characters for longer - I will really miss them! I adored this book from start to finish!' 'If you enjoyed The Flatshare you will enjoy this novel. The perfect holiday read' 'This is just an absolute delight to read!!! I have adored everything about this one. I have been completely pulled in and unwilling to put this one down'

Zobraziť všetky knihy autora Headline Publishing Group, Lizzie O'Hagan
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