Hestons Fantastical Feasts

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Hestons Fantastical Feasts kúpite na Knihyprekazdeho.sk
58,90 €
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Krátky popis
With gold edged pages, gold ribbon and gold illustrated cloth slipcase, each signed and numbered special edition is sumptuous and ultra-desirable. Once upon a time there was a Chef called Heston who opened a small restaurant called the Fat Duck. At first, he served only simple French classics but gradually, as is the way of things, the Chef's curiosity got the better of him and he began thinking up more unusual dishes, such as Snail Porridge and Chocolate Wine. Word spread and reached the ears of the Executives who ran a television channel, and they summoned the Chef to their glass fortress. ",We command you to create six Fantastical Feasts,", they said. ",These must be based on history, but you may draw on fairytales and legends. We should warn you that the Quest will involve journeys to Transylvania in search of the legendary Leech Recipe of Sibiu, and to the Black Forest to eat the eyes of the Wild Boar of Munstertal. You must resist the temptations of the Burlesque Girls, and you must turn chocolate cake into a raging fireball and chicken's testicles into jelly beans. There will be hunting for hallucinogenic mushrooms and cooking with Play-Doh. Out of this, you must create the most magical dishes imaginable.", ",Well, how about lickable wallpaper, a savoury Zoom lolly, a chocolate-covered iceberg, a golden egg and an edible graveyard?", offered the Chef. ",It's a start,", said the Executives. ",Oh, and once you have achieved the Quest, you must bring us proof, in the form of a Book. But not just any Book. We want tales of extravagant ingredients, of revolutionary techniques, of familiar kitchen appliances put to unfamiliar uses. We want to see what you see. Taste what you taste. In short, we want complete and unparalleled access to your fantastical world.",

Zobraziť všetky knihy autora Bloomsbury Publishing, Heston Blumenthal
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