Hill House Box Set

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Hill House Box Set kúpite na Knihyprekazdeho.sk
99,70 €
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#1 New York Times bestselling author Joe Hill asks, With a cursed Viking axe, what can you accomplish? and June Branch is ready to answer! Heads will roll June Branch is in trouble. She s trapped on Brody Island with nowhere to run. Her boyfriend, Liam, has been kidnapped.And four bloodthirsty escaped convicts will stop at nothing to find her. All poor June has to defend herself with is a strange Viking axe with the terrifying power to decapitate a person and leave their head still talking. If she s going to save Liam and herself, June will have to keep a cool head or even a whole basketful of them! From #1 New York Times bestselling writer Joe Hill (NOS4A2, Locke &,amp, Key) comes Basketful of Heads, the first series in the smash-hit lineup of the Hill House Comics library.Featuring incredible artwork by Leomacs (Lucifer), this spine-tingling collection includes the entire seven-issue miniseries, as well as character designs and behind-the-scenes sketches. Sea Dogs Back in 1779, the American Navy was in shambles as it struggled to take on the mighty the British fleet. In a desperate attempt to gain the upper hand, the American Navy will smuggle three werewolves onto the British s flagship to cause havoc.But can they really trust these men? Seadogs will be a little different from all the other comics in the way that it is published. It will be serialised in the back of all the comics mentioned above, two pages at a time. Written by Joe Hill and illustrated by Dan McDaid, Sea Dogs collects the entire run originally featured as a backup story in Basketful of Heads.This is the first time this will be collected! Plunge In 1983, a state-of-the-art drilling ship, the Derleth, vanished near the Arctic Circle. Decades later, it has begun sending a distress call Tracing the signal to a remote atoll in the Bering Strait, the Rococo oil company hires the Carpenter brothers and their salvage crew to investigate the ghost ship. Joined by a marine biologist and an oil executive, the brothers set out on a grim mission to learn what caused the disappearance and recover the bodies of the crew only to find that the Derleth s men aren t dead! Even if they re also not quite alive anymore.A surreal and gory celebration of 80s horror, Plunge brings together Joe Hill (NOS4A2, Locke &,amp, Key) and Stuart Immonen (The Amazing Spider-Man, Superman: Secret Identity) for a deep dive into unfathomable terrors. Collects the six-issue miniseries along with exclusive commentary and sketches. The Low, Low Woods From New York Times bestselling author Carmen Maria Machado (Her Body And Other Parties, In The Dream House) comes a story so horrifying you won t dare to forget! There s something in the woods Shudder-to-Think, Pennsylvania, has been on fire for years.The woods are full of rabbits with human eyes, a deer woman who stalks hungry girls, and swaths of skinless men. And the people of Shudder-to-Think? Well, they re not doing so well either. When El and Octavia wake up in a movie theatre with no memory of the last few hours of their lives, the two teenage dirtbags embark on a horrifying journey to uncover the truth about the strange town that they call home.From critically acclaimed writer Carmen Maria Machado (Her Body and Other Parties) comes The Low, Low Woods, from the smash-hit lineup of the Hill House Comics library. Featuring stunning artwork by Dani (Lucifer), this volume collects The Low, Low Woods #1-6. The Dollhouse Family On Alice s sixth birthday, she got the gift she didn t know she always wanted: a big, beautiful 19th- century dollhouse, complete with a family of antique dolls.In no time at all, the dollhouse isn t just Alice s favourite toy it s her whole world. And soon young Alice learns she can magically enter the house to visit a new group of friends, straight out of a heartwarming children s novel: the Dollhouse family. But in the real world, her family life is much darker and deep within the Dollhouse s twisting halls, the Black Room waits, with an offer to Alice.The house can fix all this, the room says. All she has to do is say the words From writer M.R. Carey (The Girl with All the Gifts, Lucifer) comes The Dollhouse Family, from the smash-hit lineup of the Hill House Comics library.Featuring riveting artwork by Peter Gross (The Books of Magic) and Vince Locke (A History of Violence), this chilling collection features The Dollhouse Family Daphne Byrne The voice from beyond the veil In the gaslit splendour of late-19th-century New York, rage builds inside 14-year-old Daphne. The sudden death of her father has left her alone with her grief-stricken mother. Emotionally adrift and living outside her means, the widow becomes easy prey for a group of occultists promising to contact her dead husband.While fighting to disentangle her mother from these charlatans, Daphne experiences a genuine supernatural encounter a strange, insidious presence in her own body. Brother, a charming entity with unspeakable appetites, visits her in her dreams and whispers in her ear. Soon, Daphne is sharing his terrifying power.A demon? A ghost? Her own hallucination? Daphne can t be sure what Brother is or what he wants. And even if she knew, could she stop him? Would she want to? An unsettling, blood-soaked tale from writer Laura Marks (The Good Fight) and artist Kelley Jones (Batman, The Sandman), Daphne Byrne is part of DC s smash-hit Hill House Comics library, curated by Joe Hill (NOS4A2, Locke &,amp, Key). Collects the full six-issue miniseries as well as commentary and behind-the-scenes artwork.
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Božská komédia
Božská komédia patrí medzi najdôležitejšie diela svetovej literatúry a Dante je považovaný za otca talianskeho jazyka. Napísal ju pravdepodobne v rokoch 1304 1307 a 1321. Dante bol presvedčený, že má poslanie ukázať ľudstvu cestu obnovy a spásy. Poslušný Božej vôli má vykonať cestu do troch záhrobných ríš, preskúmať všetko zlo sveta, ktoré sa sústreďuje v Pekle, nájsť cestu očisťovania v Očistci, vystúpiť do neba až k priamemu videniu Boha v Raji. Je tretím mužom, ktorý uskutočnil ako živý cestu do záhrobia: po Eneovi, ktorý bol predkom zakladateľov Rímskej ríše, a po svätom Pavlovi, ktorý postavil základy kresťanskej viery. Jeho poslanie má miesto povedľa nich, pretože Dante má ukázať cestu obnovenia ríše a Cirkvi. Komédia si berie za vzor biblické prorocké knihy a Zjavenie svätého Jána. Danteho cestou sú dejiny jeho osobného vykúpenia ako jednotlivca, predstavuje však aj celé ľudstvo, ktoré kráča smerom k svojmu kolektívnemu vykúpeniu. Kompletné dielo vychádza v brilantnom preklade romanistov Jozefa Felixa a Viliama Turčányho, ilustráciami jednotlivé časti dopĺňa akademický maliar Miroslav Cipár. Jozef Felix (1913 1977), literárny kritik, prekladateľ a spisovateľ, dokázal svoj neutíchajúci obdiv k literatúre i románskej kultúre pretaviť nielen do vlastných autorských textov, ale aj do prekladov a pedagogickej činnosti. Učiteľ telom i dušou vychoval na Slovensku celý rad vynikajúcich romanistov a dokázal ich strhnúť na lásku k slovu. Ako literárny redaktor sa zaslúžil o vydanie svetovej klasiky v slovenčine, ako prekladateľ sa podpísal pod 51 diel takých významných autorov, akými boli Miguel de Cervantes, Victor Hugo, Moliére, Honoré de Balzac či Jules Verne. Vo svojej práci náročný a poctivý, s vyhraneným názorom na literatúru, ovplyvnil slovenskú literárnu kritiku i myslenie o preklade. Viliam Turčány (*1928), prekladateľ a básnik, sa po celý život hrá so slovom i rýmom. Na spoluprácu pri preklade Božskej komédie ho pozval jeho učiteľ Jozef Felix. Tomuto veľdielu venoval tri desaťročia svojho tvorivého života a dal mu punc básnickej i odbornej dokonalosti. Vďaka čistote a harmónii, no predovšetkým ľahkosti jeho verša je označovaný za virtuóza slova či božieho básnika, ktorého materinským jazykom je jazyk básnický. Literatúra, a najmä poézia, sa mu stala celoživotnou láskou, vníma ju a tvorí nielen v kontexte vecí vznešených, ale aj tých najvšednejších. Okrem rozsiahlej básnickej tvorby či odborných prác publikoval preklady klasických talianskych básnikov a výbery francúzskej poézie. Miroslav Cipár (*1935, Semeteš) patrí medzi najvšestrannejších, najneúnavnejších a najuniverzálnejších slovenských výtvarníkov. Jeho tvorivým životom sa vinie čiara, ktorá je azda dedičstvom drotárskych predkov. Zakorenený vo svojom domove i hodnotovom svete pozýva svojimi knižnými ilustráciami detských i dospelých čitateľov do kúzelného sveta fantázie. Jeho maľby nútia opustiť prvoplánové úvahy, pozdvihnúť myseľ vyššie, oslobodiť sa od miesta i času a premýšľať nad veličinami, ktoré nás prevyšujú. Zdanlivo striedme, no vo svojej podstate mimoriadne obsažné čiernobiele ilustrácie plné príbehov sú, ako napokon všetky majstrove diela, výsledkom intenzívneho štúdia, poctivého uvažovania a ohromnej fascinácie z Danteho Božskej komédie.