Hockney's Pictures

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Hockney's Pictures kúpite na Knihyprekazdeho.sk
43,65 €
Skladom (dodanie do 3 dní)

Krátky popis
A new edition of a book that has sold 150,000 copies worldwide: the definitive retrospective of one of the world's most popular and acclaimed artists. 'A compelling narrative of the workings of a curious, intelligent, visually inventive mind at work' - Art Quarterly 'From between the covers springs all the brightness and energy of the prolific output of this most exuberant and yet sensitive artist' - The Times 'For anyone with even the smallest regard for the artist, this is the book to have … a treat' - Artists &,amp, Illustrators The story of Hockney is one of passion: passion for seeing, passion for telling, passion for images. But to these should be added passion for life.Hockney's art is a celebration of what it is to be alive. All his pictures – sometimes tender, as when he draws close friends and family, sometimes playful, as in his paintings of lazy, carefree days by the pool, sometimes awe-inspiring, as with his monumental images of the Grand Canyon – convey what it means to be in the world, to see it, to move in it, to love it. This constant exploration of how to communicate such experiences and perceptions through art emerges with particular clarity in this visually dense volume, now updated with a new final chapter that focuses on his prolific recent work in series across various media, including the iPad.Charting almost sixty years of extraordinary creativity, the book is arranged thematically to show the evolution and diversity of Hockney’s prolific paintings, drawings, watercolours, prints and photography. It also features quotes from the artist that illuminate the passion and deep thought behind his work. Hockney's Pictures celebrates the artist's lifelong experiments in ways of looking, seeing and depicting.
Výber kníh autorov David Hockney , Thames & Hudson Ltd

Zobraziť všetky knihy autora David Hockney, Thames & Hudson Ltd
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