Home Is Where The Bodies Are

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Home Is Where The Bodies Are kúpite na Knihyprekazdeho.sk
12,99 €
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The image of the young girl is sideways. Her blue eyes are clouded like they've been submerged in milk. They stare into the lens of the camera and it's as though she's looking directly at me, calling out for help, twenty-three years too late - like the light of a star that's already exploded, finally reaching our eyes.Beth's life hasn't worked out the way she planned. After her father walked out on their family with a note simply saying 'I'm sorry', she became obsessed with finding him. An obsession that destroyed her relationship with her husband and her daughter. She just has her dying mother left, Beth taking care of her as best she can until she breathes her final, shocking words:Your father. He didn't disappear. Don't trust...Still processing these words, Beth receives a surprise call to say her sister has been attacked and rushed to hospital. Soon after, she finds both estranged sister and brother moving back into the family home. She makes sure to lock her bedroom door at night. Her sister can't be trusted.Desperate to revisit happier memories, the siblings find themselves watching home videos of their childhood. It feels like a good idea, until the footage cuts to a dead girl in the woods at night, their father covered in blood, their mother's voice panicked. They'd love to believe it's fake, but they know the little girl in the video. It's their old neighbour, Emma Harper, who vanished in 1999.Burying their mother is already hard enough, but will Beth and her siblings survive the truth of what really happened to that little girl?Read what everyone is saying about Home is Where the Bodies Are:'This book is Jeneva Rose AT HER FINEST.' Reader Review, 'I would give a million stars if that was possible!... It had absolutely everything and more that you could possibly want in a thriller... It has officially taken the top spot for my favourite ever book!!' sians.book.reviews, 'Stayed up wayyyy too late to finish this book!' Reader Review, 'Argh. Jeneva, absolutely mind-blowing. The entire book. The characters, the house, the entire story (Oh my)!... This was absolutely perfect... Chef's kiss.' Reader Review, 'This was my first Jeneva Rose book and it did NOT disappoint!! I was hooked from start to finish and binged this in one night. I did not see the ending coming at all!!' Reader Review, 'Now THAT'S a thriller! Jeneva is backkkkkk!' Reader Review, 'Amazing, fun, original! This is her best work yet.' Reader Review, 'FANTASTIC!!!' Reader Review,
Výber kníh autora Rose Jeneva

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