Hussar Cut - Orban Balázs

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Panta Rhei
9,76 €
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In his latest book, Balázs Orbán, the political director of the Hungarian Prime Minister, delves into the shifting dynamics of the present world order. He scrutinizes the risks associated with recent trends toward decoupling and bloc formation, and, as a solution, proposes a strategic masterstroke – the "Hussar Cut" for Hungary: the Hungarian strategy of connectivity. With this strategy Hungary aspires to be a key player in its region and, through extensive connections, to mitigate the effects of today’s geopolitical confrontations. For readers seeking a profound understanding of Hungarian politics alongside situational assessments and the reasoning behind pivotal decisions, Balázs Orbán's book is a must-read. Tucker Carlson (Political commentator) - "The Hungarian government cares foremost about Hungarians. If that shocks or offends you, you’re part of the problem and should have no power over other people. If on the other hand it sounds like exactly the sort of country you’d be grateful to live in, read this book." Ivan Krastev (Founding Board Member of the European Council on Foreign Relations) - "Anyone who wants to know how the current Hungarian leadership sees the place of its country in the world and anybody who is interested to grasp Budapest’s “hussar cut” strategy should read Balázs Orbán’s book." Sebastian Kurz (Former chancellor of the Republic of Austria) - "Hungary is assigned an ambitious role in world politics as a middle power maintaining extensive political relations and economic cooperation within and outside of its own natural geopolitical environment." Kevin D. Roberts (President of The Heritage Foundation) - "In The Hussar’s Cut, Balázs Orbán eloquently and thoroughly explains Hungary’s national and geopolitical strategy—as well as how the world, especially the West, may learn from its example." Jeffrey D. Sachs (Economist, University Professor at Columbia University, President of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network.) - "Balázs Orban’s message to Hungary and to the world is clear and correct: connect through trade and ideas; don’t build opposing blocs; take pride and guidance in ancient wisdom and culture; look both east and west; and above all, support peace! This meditation on “connectivity” will inspire readers, guide Hungary, and help the world to find the path to peace, cultural enrichment, and sustainable development."
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