Ireland, 4th Edition

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Ireland, 4th Edition kúpite na
22,75 €
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On every page, you'll find in-depth information on Ireland's rich history and culture, along with helpful hints on how to get around and how best to visit each site. Illustrated with 170 beautiful color photographs and two dozen maps, the guide also showcases several three-dimensional drawings that detail the intricate architectural features of Kilmainham Gaol in Dublin and the myriad plants found in the Burren heath. Insider tips from National Geographic and local experts point out favorite or little known sites and events, and dozens of sidebars highlight experiences that allow the visitor to truly get inside the local culture, such as learning traditional dance in Galway, taking Irish language classes in Ennis, or volunteering to help restore the country's native boglands.This newly revised and updated guide, covers every region in Ireland, including Dublin, the cosmopolitan capital city, County Kildare, the enchanting Wicklow Hills, the limestone terraces of eerie Burren, Yeats Country surrounding Sligo Town, offering insight into one of Ireland's great poets, and Northern Ireland, beginning with vibrant Belfast and moving on to Ulster, Derry, and other historic spots of note. Aimed at active travelers who want authentic, enriching, cultural experiences and expert advice from a trustworthy source, National Geographic Travelers provide ways for people to experience a place rather than just visit, and give the true feel of each destination not easily found online.

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