Island Candy: Baby News - Natalie C. Andersonová

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Island Candy: Baby News - Natalie C. Andersonová kúpite na Panta Rhei
Panta Rhei
2,61 €
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Krátky popis
A billionaire bad boy and a brilliant artist meet their match having fallen for the same untamable girl. Epic acts of love, heart-pounding sex, and emotional fulfillment follow… with a catch JOANNA Joanna has had her toes curled so often by her two hot guys that now she can barely walk straight, but maybe it’s because she now has some news to share. Nothing for Joanna is ever simply, though. One of her two guys is halfway around the world and the other seems to be pulling away keeping a secrets of his own. What will it take for Joanna to bring her family back together with it tittering on collapse? Will sizzling hot sex be enough? Or, will it take more than Joanna is capable of providing, especially now in her even curvier shape? PAULOPaulo is an artist whose genius is one for the ages. On top of that, he’s become rich and success while being sought after by every art collector in the world. Then why isn’t he happy? Could it have something to do with the love triangle between the woman and man that he loves? Possibly. But more likely it’s because of the demons Paulo can’t shake. If he doesn’t shake them, they will destroy him. He’ll lose his career, family and everything he loves. Can Joanna save him before it’s too late? Or, will Devlin have to be the one who brings Paulo home? DEVLIN Devlin knows who he loves and what he wants. What he can’t figure out is why the two people he cares about most seem to be pulling further and further from him. Devlin would quickly give up his billion dollar fortune for either of them. Will he have to? Or, is the secret he has in store for his two loves enough to keep the threesome happy forever? Steamy nights, heartbreaking drama, and unexpected twists and turns makes this a story you won’t want to miss. ‘Island Candy: Baby News’ is a very steamy, ultra-high heat bisexual menage romance with explicit MF, MM, MFM and MMF scenes. Contains a not-to-be-missed HEA ending!
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