Jungles lanting 25

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Jungles lanting 25 kúpite na Knihyprekazdeho.sk
15,68 €
Skladom (dodanie do 3 dní)

Krátky popis
Jungles is a personal exploration of nature in the tropics by master photographer, storyteller, and naturalist Frans Lanting. In a unique collection of images made over a period of 20 years in jungles from the lowlands of the Congo to the cloud forests of the Andes, Lanting interprets the aesthetic splendor and the remarkable natural history of the tropical rainforest—a realm of bewildering complexity where nothing is the way it first appears. ",While the essence of photography is to show, jungles hide, or at best, suggest,", Lanting writes. ",So I opted to show impressions of jungles to evoke a sense of their kaleidoscopic nature—the glimpses of faces that melt into shadows, the bursts of color and shimmering light.", The book features four portfolios of images taken years and continents apart, and stories of field expeditions into tropical wilderness areas. ",Water and Light", shows the interplay of these elements with plant and animal life, with a story about life after dark in the jungles of Central America. ",Color and Camouflage", explores the need to hide and the desire to be seen, and details a journey to a remote part of the Amazon Basin to document macaws. ",Anarchy and Order", features impressions of growth and movement, and leads to a trek up a mountain in Borneo. ",Form and Evolution", is an ode to the wonders of natural selection, and culminates in encounters with primates in the forests of Madagascar and Africa. In photographs ranging from spectacular gatherings of rainbow-colored macaws to the misty exhalations of a forest at dawn, Lanting evokes the lush sensuality and intricate natural order of the tropical regions that form the beating heart of life on earth.

Zobraziť všetky knihy autora TASCHEN, Frans Lanting, Christine Eckstrom
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