Kaleidoscope of Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Life

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Kaleidoscope of Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Life kúpite na Knihyprekazdeho.sk
18,95 €
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Krátky popis
Think dinosaurs were all brown, green and scaly? Think again, on a kaleidoscopic journey into the technicolour world of dinosaurs and other prehistoric beasts as they really may have looked. A richly detailed and vibrantly illustrated natural history book, this fascinating read is bursting with colour and will show you dinosaurs like never before. Discover cutting-edge theories on feathered dinosaurs, the colourful secrets of the fossil record, and what million-year-old remains tell us about how extinct animals lived and looked.Palaeo-artist and author Greer Stothers reimagines the dinosaurs and their prehistoric peers, using fossils and the examples of living species to bring this often misrepresented world to life. Meet dinosaurs of every hue of the rainbow and find out what colours and patterns they may have been. This book is packed full of fascinating questions, like:What colours could dinosaurs' feathers have been?Would a snow-dwelling dino have been a brilliant white?What could mutant dinosaurs have looked like?As well as the dinos, the book takes a look at other extinct animals, shows how animals from the Ice Age may have looked, and explores how clues about long-dead creatures can be discovered from art by the prehistoric peoples who encountered them.This is a beautifully illustrated first look at the kaleidoscopic world of dinosaurs and other creatures for young children, and makes a gorgeous gift for young palaeontologists and art-lovers alike.
Výber kníh autorov Greer Stothers , Wide Eyed Editions

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Mimi a Líza
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