The book is the second volume of the series of the Slovak language
textbooks, Krizom-krazom, designed for learners who are interested
in leaming Slovak in an interesting and attractive way.
Krizom-krazom Slovencina A2 is the second volume of the series of
the Slovak language textbooks, Krizom-krazom, designed for learners
who are interested in leaming Slovak in an interesting and
attractive way. The first in the series was the book for beginners,
Krizom-krazom - Slovencina A1, published in Bratislava in 2007.
Krizom-krazom: Slovencina A2, aimed specifically at
pre-intermediate students, contains a set of 2 audio CDs with the
recordings of the dialogues and exercises, and provides learners
with the most frequent day-to-day situations whose phrases and
vocabulary are explained in units. As learners go through the book,
all the basic skills of acquiring a foreign language are practised
(reading, listening, writing and speaking) in line with the Common
European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) assigned for
the Level A2 - Basic User (Waystage). The textbook was developed by
teachers and researchers of the Studia Academica Slovaca Centre
(the Centre for Slovak as a Foreign Language) which is a research
and educational centre of the Faculty of Arts at Comenius
University in Bratislava. It is published as part ot the project
called Learning Programme of Slovak as a Foreign Language supported
by the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic and is later
intended to cover study materials for all language levels.
Krizom-krazom: Slovencina A2 includes 10 topic-based units
introducing day-to-day situations in the lives of the four main
characters of the course. All the units (except for Units 1 and 10
which are review and revision units) have an identical structure
that is easy-to-follow. There are five dialogues recorded on the
CDs, new words explained by both definitions and illustrations and
followed by reading comprehension exercises on dialogues, a
vocabulary section with pictures showing new vocabulary words of
the unit and a grammar spot which explains the grammar phenomena
that occur in the units with exercises to practise them which
reflect the Level A2 including conjugation of verbs in present
tense, future tense, the conditional and imperative, the aspect of
verbs, participles and genitive and dative cases in their singular
and plural forms. At the end of each unit there are revision
exercises covering reading, listening, writing and speaking skills
which test ho much the learners got out of the new vocabulary and
grammar. Various brainteasers, didactic games and additional texts
with more exercises were added to the units to make exercises even
more interesting and creative and increasingly challenge the
students. At the back of the textbook there is a key to exercises,
a Slovak-English glossary in alphabetical order according to the
units and a grammar reference section with examples and
explanations of basic rules. The set also contains 2 audio CDs with
the recordings of the dialogues.
Vývoj ceny
Aktuálna Ø cena knihy Krížom krážom Slovenčina A2 je 26,69 €
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