Late Light

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Late Light kúpite na
14,20 €
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'Late Light brings the refreshing perspective of someone who goes from seeing England as a foreign place to someone who deeply studies its secret wonders. An astonishing read.' - Amy Liptrot, The OutrunThis is a book about falling in love with vanishing thingsLate Light is the story of Michael Malay's own journey, an Indonesian Australian making a home for himself in England and finding strange parallels between his life and the lives of the animals he examines. Mixing natural history with memoir, this book explores the mystery of our animal neighbours, in all their richness and variety.It is about the wonder these animals inspired in our ancestors, the hope they inspire in us, and the joy they might still hold for our children. Late Light is about migration, belonging and extinction. Through the close examination of four particular 'unloved' animals - eels, moths, crickets and mussels - Michael Malay tells the story of the economic, political and cultural events that have shaped the modern landscape of Britain.For readers of Robert Macfarlane, Raynor Winn and Helen Macdonald, Late Light is a rich blend of memoir, natural history, nature writing, and a meditation on being and belonging, from a vibrant new voice. 'Late Light is a book that glows with warmth in spite of its dark subtext. Malay's prose is gorgeous and astute, he looks with fresh eyes at unpopular species and finds poetry and meaning.His voice is irresistible - Late Light is a powerful new work of nature writing. ' - Sara Baume, Seven Steeples'Late Light is a book of little revelations. It approaches small things with a quiet and tender profundity, and its attentiveness to the quivering of life will leave you aching with world-love.' - Abi Andrews, The Word for Woman is Wilderness
Výber kníh autorov Manilla Press , Michael Malay

Zobraziť všetky knihy autora Manilla Press, Michael Malay
Výber kníh vydavateľa Slovart

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