Leather & Lark

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13,25 €
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Krátky popis
From the author of the genre-breaking international TikTok sensation Butcher &,amp, Blackbird comes the second book in the Ruinous Love Trilogy - a hate-to-love dark romantic comedy packed with danger, chaos, and heat. 'Brynne is a master weaver of words in this dark, decadent and delicious story of serial killers, sexy spice, and sensational fun!' RuNyx, USA Today bestselling author of the Dark Verse series ----Every killer claims a soul. Every phantom wants revenge.All contract killer Lachlan Kane wants is a quiet life. But when he botches a job for his boss's biggest client, Lachlan knows he'll never claw his way out of the underworld. At least, not until Lark Montague offers him a deal: use his skills to hunt down a killer and she'll find a way to secure his freedom.The catch? He has to marry her first. And they can't stand each other. Indie singer-songwriter Lark may seem like sunshine and glitter personified but she has her own secrets hiding in the shadows.With her formidable family in a tailspin and her best friend's happiness on the line, she's willing to make a vow to the man she's determined to hate, no matter how tempting the broody assassin might be. As Lachlan and Lark navigate the dark world that binds them together, it becomes impossible to discern their fake marriage from a real one. But it's not just familiar dangers that haunt them.There's another phantom lurking on their doorstep . . .And this one has come for blood. *** Reader praise for Butcher &,amp, Blackbird 'The chemistry is explosive. The romance will make your heart squeeze painfully.The banter will have you giggling and kicking your feet. The one-liners and screwball scenarios are laugh-out-loud hysterical' ? ? ? ? ?'Butcher and Blackbird is indulgent and decadent, reading it feels like eating chocolate cake' ? ? ? ? ?'If I could rate this book infinity stars, trust me, I would in a heartbeat' ? ? ? ? ?'One of the most creative dark romances I've EVER read . .. perfection from start to finish' ? ? ? ? ?'I was so engaged I couldn't put it down' ? ? ? ? ?'The banter was chef kiss' ? ? ? ? ?'There is nothing more I can say except . .. I think I am in love with a serial killer' ? ? ? ? ?'Writing a romantic comedy about vigilante serial killers who kill other serial killers for fun, and somehow making it cute is no small feat' ? ? ? ? ?
Výber kníh autorov Piatkus Books , Brynne Weaver

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Výber kníh vydavateľa Slovart

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