Life Meets Art, Inside the Homes of the World's Most Creative People

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Life Meets Art, Inside the Homes of the World's Most Creative People kúpite na
56,00 €
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Krátky popis
",... a gorgeous compilation of interiors from the homes of famous artists past and present as a way of exhibiting each creator's 'power and legacy' - Publishers Weekly An inspiring collection of the extraordinary private spaces of 250 of the world's most creative people, past and present Life Meets Art presents an unparalleled, global, behind-the-scenes tour through 250 beautiful interiors from the homes of the most creative people in art, architecture, design, fashion, literature, music, film and theatre. These inspiring, unique spaces show us the spaces where the greatest creatives in history lived their lives, honed their crafts and, in many cases, produced some of the world's most celebrated masterpieces - providing an intimate and insightful perspective on the masters that define artistic history.Organized alphabetically by artist, each interior features a color photograph and a short descriptive text, including details on whether the house is open to the public or private. This book will inspire everyone fascinated by stylish living, creative interior design, and the myriad possibilities for home decor, as well as those fascinated by the personal and professional lives of their cultural heroes. Life Meets Art includes homes from creative masters of past centuries such as artists da Vinci, Raphael and Rubens, composers Handel, Lizst, and Verdi and writers Dickens, Byron, and Coleridge.The book also showcases the extraordinary interiors of many twentieth century stars and epoch-defining talents such as architects Frank Lloyd Wright, Eileen Gray, Le Corbusier, and Walter Gropius, artists Pablo Picasso, Marc Chagall, and Henry Moore, writers Ernest Hemingway, William Faulkner, and Agatha Christie and musicians Louis Armstrong, Frank Sinatra, and Elvis Presley. Homes from some of the most celebrated talents of today are also featured, including artists Francisco Clemente, Cornelia Parker, and Gilbert and George, fashion designers Alexander McQueen, Marc Jacobs, and Diane von Furstenberg, designers Marc Newson and Es Devlin and musicians Moby, Jimmy Page, and David Bowie.
Výber kníh autorov Phaidon Press Ltd , Sam Lubell

Zobraziť všetky knihy autora Phaidon Press Ltd, Sam Lubell
Výber kníh vydavateľa Slovart

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