Lonely Planet Best in Travel 2025

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18,95 €
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Discover the greatest places to experience right now in our epic annual bestselling guide that ranks the world's hottest countries, regions, and cities. Featuring our traditional top 10 lists plus NEW top 10 categories, amazing photography and insider tips, you'll find mountains of inspiration to take you from the ordinary to the unforgettable.&,nbsp,&,nbsp,Want to know more about the emerging travel hotspots and best value destinations for 2025? You've come to the right place. Our expert panel of self-confessed travel geeks have joined forces once again to present a year's worth of exciting must-visit places and out-of-this-world experiences.Let's go!&,nbsp,Inside Lonely Planet's Best in Travel 2025:Top 10 countries, top 10 cities, and top 10 regions ranked by our expert panel of judgesIncludes top 5 lists for specific destinations, which position attractions and activities within the areaBrand new top 10 categories add a fresh and energetic approach to trip planning by covering trending and up-and-coming travel themesFeatures details on when to go with practical advice and indispensable travel tips to help you get thereVoted on by Lonely Planet's writers, staff and communityPresented with a vibrant cover with new internal layouts that include a refreshed map design and photography&,nbsp,Never has there been a more hotly contested topic at Lonely Planet than the best places to visit. This book is our answer. It is the perfect gift for globetrotters in search of new adventures, and the ultimate self-purchase for anyone thinking of planning a once-in-a-lifetime trip in the year to come.About Lonely Planet: Lonely Planet, a Red Ventures Company, is the world's number one travel guidebook brand. Providing both inspiring and trustworthy information for every kind of traveller since 1973, Lonely Planet reaches hundreds of millions of travellers each year online and in print and helps them unlock amazing experiences. Visit us at lonelyplanet.com and join our community of followers on Facebook (facebook.com/lonelyplanet), Twitter (@lonelyplanet), Instagram (instagram.com/lonelyplanet), and TikTok (@lonelyplanet).

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