Making Wines, Liqueurs and Cordials

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Making Wines, Liqueurs and Cordials kúpite na
14,73 €
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Discover the traditions behind making wines, nectars and cordials and how easy it is to make them in your own home. As the environmentally friendly lifestyle becomes increasing popular, what better way to celebrate your self-sufficient successes than with a glass of home-made wine? In Making Wines, Liquers &,amp, Cordials, self-sufficiency expert Beshlie Grimes provides 100 recipes and variations for everything from a classic lemonade through to apple wine, sloe gin and rhubarb liqueur, all of which use up those extra fruits and vegetables you have grown in the garden. Divided into five chapters, start by learning the basic techniques you will need to produce your own drinks. Next comes Wines, which covers traditional fruit wines made from strawberries, ginger, and more. The Syrups &,amp, Cordials chapter has recipes using passion fruit, pears, and raspberries, plus interesting additions like rosemary, lovage, and angelica. In Lemonades there are ideas for perennial favourites such as limeade and pink lemonade, all the perfect accompaniments to a summer picnic. Finally, in Liqueurs you will find classic recipes for fruit liqueurs and digestifs, including blackberry whiskey and lemon liqueur. Whether your preference is for an indulgent rose petal liqueur, a refreshing strawberry and mint nectar, or a celebratory glass of elderflower champagne, you are sure to find lots of recipes here to suit your taste buds!
Výber kníh autorov CICO Books , Beshlie Grimes

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