Master Spanish Through Reading - David Michaels

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Master Spanish Through Reading - David Michaels kúpite na Panta Rhei
Panta Rhei
2,90 €
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Krátky popis
Master Spanish Through Reading.Fast, Fun and Effective Method for Massively Improving Your Spanish Vocabulary and Comprehension.Do you want to move up from the elementary to the intermediate level? One of the most effective ways to learn new vocabulary and grammar is by reading. When learning a new language it’s difficult to find real reading material of the right level. Essentially it needs to be easy enough so you can get started, but challenging enough to ensure that you keep learning new and useful vocabulary at a manageable pace. Also, the only way to really progress with a language is to immerse yourself in it. This book is 100% in Spanish, but is written in a way that is accessible from the start. By the end you’ll not only be a lot more confident with your language skills but you’ll literally be thinking in Spanish.The benefits of using this book include:12 Engaging articles written in a simple style to help you learn naturally. Over 290 new words and phrases introduced in context. See how the language is used in real life. All articles are written by a native Spanish speaker.Every new word is explained in simple Spanish. By learning Spanish in Spanish you will learn a lot quicker. You will effectively begin to think in Spanish, and this is a huge step towards your goal of fluency.Hundreds of example sentences so you can learn how to actually use the vocabulary.Comprehension questions. Make sure that you fully ‘own’ what you have learned by testing yourself at the end of each article.If you are out of the beginner stage and trying to move from elementary to intermediate then this book is perfect for you. Each article is short enough to be manageable but challenging enough that you will actually feel your Spanish improve as you progress through the book. If you are up for the challenge and are serious about improving then please click the buy button at the top of this page and get started today.
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Zobraziť všetky knihy vydavateľa Isaac Hays (magánkiadás)
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