Medical Medium Brain Saver

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Medical Medium Brain Saver kúpite na
50,30 €
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Discover why millions rely on the #1 New York Times best-selling Medical Medium for health answers they can't find anywhere else. The first of two essential books about our most complex organ-the brain-dives deep into why people all over the world are suffering with mental health and brain-related symptoms and conditions. In this book, find answers to 100+ symptoms, diseases, and disorders.With the advanced state of brain research today, it's easy to think that we're arming ourselves with knowledge about how best to care for our precious minds and brains. Are we? Or is the prevalence of Alzheimer's, dementia, ADHD, autism, anxiety, depression, OCD, PTSD, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, addiction, strokes, seizures, brain fog, fatigue, and more a sign that even with the headlines about mindfulness, neuroscience, and hacking the brain, we're still all too vulnerable?Burnout, deficiencies, panic attacks, vagus nerve problems, mental health struggles, neurological symptoms, and beyond-as you search for lasting relief, it's easy to become lost and blame yourself, wondering what you did wrong. Answer: you're not the problem.With Medical Medium Brain Saver and its companion volume, Medical Medium Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses &,amp, Recipes, Anthony William sheds light on our brain and nervous system. Brain Saver unveils the why behind more than 100 brain- and nervous system-related symptoms, diseases, and disorders, Protocols reveals the truth about how to heal in even more detail. Originally conceived as one life-saving book, Brain Saver had to be divided in two when it became too big to print.Each book now stands alone, so you can start with the one you need most-or read both for a full picture of your brain's health. Medical Medium Brain Saver is designed to serve you as a lifelong reference. In it, you'll discover:* What it means to have a static brain, an alloy brain, a viral brain, an emotional brain, inflamed cranial nerves, an addicted brain, an acid brain, and a burnt out, deficient brain-and what you can do about it* The true causes of over 100 brain- and nervous system-related symptoms, disease, and disorders* In-depth insight into the unknown reasons for the epidemic of mental, emotional, and neurological suffering-from everyday struggles with focus, concentration, and mood to life-altering diagnoses such as ALS, Parkinson's, and long-haul COVID* How to protect your brain against Alzheimer's, PTSD, strokes, seizures, and more-before it's too lateBest of all, Brain Saver offers a way forward with specialized healing techniques.In addition to fresh perspective on how to nourish your brain and reduce your exposure to everyday toxins and contaminants, you'll find cleanse protocols, heavy metal detox guidelines, and recipes for all-new Medical Medium Brain Shots Therapy-quick hits of medicinals in liquid form, designed to bring instant relief when the brain is under particular stress. And when you want even more healing options, you can turn to Medical Medium Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses &,amp, Recipes to take the essential information this book provides to a higher level. ",We suffer for very real and physical reasons,", Anthony writes, ",and we can address those reasons at their core with the information here.When we know how to navigate this world, we have the power to heal.",If you've been searching for direction about brain, neurological, or mental health, you've finally found the answers. Whether you're just starting out or your journey has taken you to multiple neurologists, internists, and functional medicine doctors, your time has come to discover the true cause of your suffering, move forward, and heal.
Výber kníh autorov William Anthony , Hay House Inc

Zobraziť všetky knihy autora William Anthony, Hay House Inc
Výber kníh vydavateľa Slovart

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