More Than You'll Ever Know

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More Than You'll Ever Know kúpite na Panta Rhei
Panta Rhei
13,25 €
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Krátky popis
A RADIO 2 BOOK CLUB PICKA GOOD MORNING AMERICA BOOK CLUB PICKSCREEN RIGHTS SOLD TO THE PRODUCTION COMPANY OF BARACK AND MICHELLE OBAMA'One of the best suspenseful dramas I've read in years' ASHLEY AUDRAIN'A sprawling, stunning, twisting triumph' CHRIS WHITAKER'Intelligent and nuanced . . .raises a host of difficult but fascinating questions' GUARDIAN'Breath-taking and brimming with empathy, exploration of motherhood, marriage, and the consequences that come from obsessions with true crime' COSMOPOLITAN_______Lore Rivera was married to two men at once, until on a baking hot day in 1986, one of them found out and shot the other. A secret double life, a tragic murder. That's the story the world knows.It's not the story that fascinates Cassie Bowman. Carrying the weight of her own family tragedy, true-crime writer Cassie wants to know more about the mysterious woman at the heart of it all: Lore. And to her surprise, Lore is willing to talk - about how a dance became an affair, how a marriage became a murder.As the two women grow closer, Cassie finds she can't help but confess her own darkest secrets. But when it becomes clear that there might be more to the night of the murder than anyone realised, can either woman face up to the thing they've been hiding from . .. the truth?_______SHORTLISTED FOR BEST FIRST NOVEL AT THE EDGAR AWARDS'An intriguing story of complex characters and their long-buried secrets' DAILY EXPRESS'Enthralling, breathtaking and propulsive, More Than You'll Ever Know is the kind of book that only comes around once every decade' MAY COBB, author of The Hunting Wives'As addictive as a real-life who-dunnit, this is a page-turner brimming with empathy. Katie Gutierrez is a force' JULIA FINE, author of The Upstairs House'A suspenseful mystery, a family won't be able to put this book down' LARA PRESCOTT, New York Times bestselling author of The Secrets We Kept 'A stunning portrait of female reckoning.More Than You'll Ever Know is a wonder to behold' DANYA KUFAFKA, bestselling author of Notes On An Execution
Výber kníh autorov Michael Joseph , Katie Gutierrez

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Výber kníh vydavateľa Slovart

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