Most Valuable Playboy

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13,25 €
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Krátky popis
In the first book in the Ballers and Babes series, #1 New York Times bestselling author Lauren Blakely brings her quirky, hilarious voice to sexy professional football romance with a fake dating twist. ",A Lauren Blakely book is a guarantee of a good time.", – Meghan Quinn, USA Today bestselling author***When the hot new quarterback desperately needs a fake girlfriend, he turns to his best friend's sister, only to find that sometimes the woman for you is the one who's been by your side all along…When I enter the Most Valuable Playboy charity auction, my goal is simple – be the player who goes for the most dough. But when trouble shows up at the auction, I need a whole new play.Enter Violet. She's my best friend's sister, and she's my close friend too. With a smile as sweet as cherry pie and a mind that runs quicker than the 40-yard dash, Violet saves the day with the highest bid.I don't even give her a two-minute warning before I kiss her in front of the whole crowd and then announce that she's my girlfriend. Which would be fine except my agent tells me we've got to keep up the act while he's negotiating my contract. Violet takes one for the team and pretends to be mine, and soon our boyfriend-girlfriend scrimmage quickly turns into a full-contact sport.But falling for her wasn't in the playbook…Most Valuable Playboy kicks off Lauren Blakely’s charming, sexy sports romance series in style – with steamy chemistry and unforgettable moments that are an absolute touchdown. TropesSports RomanceBrother’s Best FriendFake DatingFriends to LoversSpicy Romance
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