Having overcome countless trials (without much difficulty), Yogiri
and Tomochika finally managed to reunite with their classmates in
the capital. But between the efforts of Ayaka, a synthetic
classmate who swore revenge against her fellow students, the
meddling of Sion, a Sage determined to cull the weak and produce a
new superbeing from their class of candidates, and the revival of
the Dark God Mana, the majority of the class — not to mention the
entire capital — were ultimately wiped out. Somehow, amid the
chaos, the unlikely pair were able to draw Sion out and acquire
their first concrete clue about how to get home: they will need a
number of Philosopher’s Stones, powerful artifacts carried within
the bodies of the Sages. After taking one from Sion and finding
another dropped into their laps by Risley, the only surviving clone
of the Sage Lain, who they killed some time earlier, the two
highschoolers set off in search of a third energy source, leaving a
trail of ruins behind them.
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