Never Abandon Ship - Donny Mario Fernandes Royston

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Never Abandon Ship - Donny Mario Fernandes Royston kúpite na Panta Rhei
Panta Rhei
4,25 €
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About the book: This book is dedicated to my beloved wife Bernice Fernandes, as she is the inspiration behind this story of our lives. Although my wife is not in this world with us, she will always be in our memories and is the reason behind this wonderful book. I hope our story helps you understand the wonder of holding on to each situation even when you have the opportunity to give up. Well, I’m certain that every single one of you has sailed that situation. Just turn around and walk away from people and situations as things don’t seem to be going the way you wanted them to! Well, my advice to you is, “Never Abandon Ship. Faith will help you stay strong when the worst is near. Hope will ease your pain as you know the best is yet to come and Love, yes love can make all challenges disappear.About the author: Royston Donny Mario Fernandes, yes that's my name. A first time writer with a ever evolving passion for writing and instrospecting a deeper meaning in life. This book, is dedicated to my beloved wife Bernice Fernandes, our kids Rianna Fernandes and Lenora Fernandes who have inspired me to write this story of our lives. Our primary goal is to ensure that the message is spread far and wide. And the message is, “Never give up.” We want to make a difference in this world by spreading this beautiful message. And once this message is spread, read and understood, we will have achieved the next important thing which is, to be a best seller. Let every challenging situation in your life be a wonderful adventure. And just as we have been inspired, we pray that you too will be inspired in believing in Faith, Hope and Love.Hope you enjoy reading our book and there are definitely more books in progress. We would also appreciate if you send us your reviews to please spread the word of Faith, Hope and Love to your friends, families and acquaintances.God Bless you, Royston Donny Mario Fernandes @ RDMF8976-246-014
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