New Homesteader

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New Homesteader kúpite na
23,70 €
Skladom (dodanie do 3 dní)

Krátky popis
Ten years ago, Bella and Nick Ivins left the city behind and relocated to Walnuts Farm, high on the Sussex Weald. Inspired by the Modern Homesteading movement, they decided to embrace a self-sufficient way of life. The New Homesteader tells the story of their family life on their home farm and provides all the knowledge necessary for anyone thinking of embracing a self-sustaining lifestyle and starting their own homestead or urban farm - or even just tending their own little plot to provide a supply of fresh ingredients throughout the year. Starting with the Kitchen Garden, Nick and Bella discuss designing and planning a plot then move on to choosing and planting fruit and vegetable crops. Next, in The Orchard, they explain how to plant and tend an orchard as well as growing soft fruit. Animals covers the topic of livestock, including keeping bees, chickens and other small poultry and rearing lambs and pigs. And The Garden tackles a range of associated subjects such how to make any additional outside space productive by planting a wildflower meadow, a small woodland and even a nuttery. The Outbuildings takes a closer look at the places and spaces at the heart of a successful homestead - the barn, the woodyard, the workshop and the store, where summer produce (such as potatoes, onions and apples) is stored to keep the homestead going during the lean winter months. Finally, in The Farmhouse, Nick and Bella move on to the hub of the homestead, the backdrop for day-to-day farm life. The farmhouse kitchen is the place where produce is canned and preserved, bread is baked and dairy products are produced. Other sections address decorating with natural finds and homestead housekeeping, including natural cleaning products. Whether you dream of starting a homestead in the city, the country or the suburbs to become fully or only partially self sufficient, The New Homesteader puts that dream within reach.

Zobraziť všetky knihy autora Ryland, Peters & Small, Bella and Nick Ivins
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