Nomad Russell James

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Nomad Russell James kúpite na
75,99 €
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NOMAD TWO WORLDS traces the remarkable creative journey of internationally renowned Australian photographer Russell James through his fine art project, Nomad Two Worlds. This stunning photographic art book shows the progression of James’ work on this project over the last decade. What began as a purely personal attempt to understand and interpret through photography the clash of ancient and modern cultures he witnessed growing up in Australia, has today become a powerful expression of partnership, reconciliation, and economic opportunity in action through art, music and film. Nomad Two Worlds aims to be a global example of true collaboration across deep cultural divides. NOMAD TWO WORLDS showcases James’ artistic collaborations with a range of Indigenous Australian, Native American and Haitian artists. These artists have added their own evocative interpretations or “story” to James’ images by hand, incorporating legends and concepts that relate directly to the thematic intent of the photographs using their chosen artform. The result is a striking collection of contemporary photography combined with more traditional artforms including painting, beading, textiles and sculpture. Some of the world’s most beautiful and interesting people including Heidi Klum, Sir Richard Branson, The Black Eyed Peas, Adriana Lima, Miranda Kerr, Hugh Jackman and more, also agreed to be photographed for the collaborations. Overall, the collection is a celebration of cultural difference, and tries to challenge mainstream perceptions of ancient and threatened cultures, whilst creating a platform for dialogue and education. Since its launch in New York in 2009 with the support of Donna Karan, Hugh Jackman and the Australian Government, the Nomad Two Worlds art collection has been previewed in Melbourne, Los Angeles, Berlin, Haiti, Washington, D.C. and London. Nomad Two Worlds has now evolved into a socially responsible global business that celebrates the beauty and rich cultural history of Indigenous and marginalised people worldwide, whilst bringing long-term economic benefit to the artists and communities James’ collaborates with. It has been hailed as an exemplary business model, promoting economic development through artistic collaboration.additional images:This remarkable volume pays tribute to some of the world’s most evocative and inspirational cultures An eye-opening visual experience that carefully bridges the cultural divide With images of celebrities such as Heidi Klum, Sir Richard Branson, The Black Eyed Peas, Adriana Lima, Miranda Kerr and Hugh Jackman
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