NYT Explorer, Beaches/Islands

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NYT Explorer, Beaches/Islands kúpite na Knihyprekazdeho.sk
35,10 €
Skladom (dodanie do 3 dní)

Krátky popis
Whether it’s a languid day on the postcard-perfect bays of the&,nbsp,Maldives, a swim to the tiny monastery island in&,nbsp,Italy’s Lago d’Orta, or a chocolate tour of the Caribbean, dive in and share the discoveries of&,nbsp,Beaches, Islands &,amp, Coasts. Part of TASCHEN’s&,nbsp,Explorer&,nbsp,series with&,nbsp,The New York Times, this book tells the stories of&,nbsp,25 dream trips for curious minds, where the water is always only a pebble’s throw away.Motor past pink sands and bougainvillea in&,nbsp,Bermuda&,nbsp,with Andrew McCarthy, walk the rugged trail where&,nbsp,Wales&,nbsp,meets the sea with Dominique Browning, or skip&,nbsp,Tuscany’s countryside in favor of its inviting coastline with Frank Bruni. The&,nbsp,Times&,nbsp,writers are your guides, and the&,nbsp,wealth of color photographs&,nbsp,that accompany their writing capture the soul-nourishing magic of places where the water rolls up to meet the land.The&,nbsp,Explorer&,nbsp,series takes travel beyond the obvious with&,nbsp,adventures in exotic places and new perspectives in familiar ones, all based on the&,nbsp,distinguished travel journalism in&,nbsp,The New York Times. Each journey features a first-person narrative and postcard-perfect photography that capture the&,nbsp,unique personality of the destination—as well as practical information to help get you on your way. Edited by&,nbsp,Barbara Ireland, whose&,nbsp,36 Hours&,nbsp,travel series has been a TASCHEN best seller, the&,nbsp,Explorer&,nbsp,series launches with&,nbsp,Beaches, Islands &,amp, Coasts&,nbsp,and&,nbsp,Mountains, Deserts &,amp, Plains. Upcoming volumes include&,nbsp,Cities &,amp, Townsand&,nbsp,Road, Rail &,amp, Trail
Výber kníh autorov TASCHEN , Barbara Ireland

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