Official Quotable Doctor Who

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Official Quotable Doctor Who kúpite na
20,43 €
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The first-ever collection of the most intelligent, strangest, mysterious, and wonderful quotes from all fifty years of the BBC America hit television series Doctor Who.&,nbsp,Over the years, Doctor Who has become one of the most popular science fiction series to date, with an ever growing and extremely dedicated fan base. Now for the first time, fans can enjoy a plethora of their favorite memorable quotes and wisest words spoken throughout the series from the first episode to the most recent season starring Matt Smith. The Official Quotable Doctor Who is an insightful and unique look into the exciting universe of Doctor Who like never before!&,nbsp,The quotes will be compiled into nine chapters that each focus on a reoccurring theme or subject from the series. The book includes hundreds of the series' most quoted words on the human race, tools, power, corruption, war, space travel, historical celebrities the Doctor and his encounters, and many more. It will also feature running artwork by popular Doctor Who Magazine illustrator Ben Morris. This book truly is a must have for the ultimate Doctor Who fan.&,nbsp,Book Description&,nbsp,",All of time and space. All things that ever happened or ever will. Where do you want to start?",&,nbsp,From a junkyard in Totter's Lane to the fields of Trenzalore, the last of the Time Lords has navigated the past, present, and future using knowledge gathered from centuries of adventures in space and time. Now the authors of the bestselling Who-Ology have collected the best of that timey-wimey knowledge into one place. Covering themes of home and work, travel and technology, the history of the Earth and the fate of the futureyou'll find a Doctor-y bon mot for every occasion here.&,nbsp,Collecting half a century of quips and quotes, and beautifully illustrated throughout, The Official Quotable Doctor Who is your indispensable guide to life, love, mirth, and monsters.

Zobraziť všetky knihy autora Cavan Scott, Harper Design International, Mark Wright
Výber kníh vydavateľa Slovart

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