Our Infinite Fates

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Our Infinite Fates kúpite na Knihyprekazdeho.sk
17,05 €
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Krátky popis
'Impossible to put down' V.E. Schwab, international bestselling author of The Invisible Life of Addie LaRueA star-crossed lovers romance that spans a millennia, for fans of The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue, They Both Die at the End and One Day'Maybe that's all love is, in the end. An endless tempting of fate.'Evelyn can remember all her past lives.She can also remember that in every single one, she's been murdered before her eighteenth birthday.The problem is that she's quite fond of the one she's in now, and more importantly, her sister needs her for bone marrow transplants to stay alive. So now she has to:find the centuries-old enemy who hunts her through each life and destroy them forever figure out exactly why she's being hunted in the first place, try quite hard not to fall in love with them...again.'Vividly beautiful and brilliantly transcendent' - Amelie Wen Zhao, New York Times bestselling author of the Song of the Last Kingdom duology'An iridescent ode to love, life and humanity' - Bea Fitzgerald, Sunday Times bestselling author of Girl, Goddess, Queen'Evelyn and Arden are a pair for the ages' - Ayana Gray, New York Times bestselling author Beasts of Prey'Our Infinite Fates demands to be read in one sitting.' - M. K.Lobb, Sunday Times bestselling author of Seven Faceless Saints'Our Infinite Fates is the kind of book that only comes around once in a lifetime. Gives enemies to lovers a whole new meaning.' - Kara A. Kennedy, author of I Will Never Leave You'One of the best books I've ever read.' - Rachel Greenlaw, author of Compass and Blade

Zobraziť všetky knihy autora Penguin Random House Children's UK, Laura Steven
Výber kníh vydavateľa Slovart

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Naše tipy

Kráľovná v tieňoch (Trón zo skla 4)
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