A chronicle of the pioneering and subversive brand Parachute and
its influence on the evolution of fashion in the 1980s and beyond.
From its beginnings inspired by New Wave subculture to its position
as an international fashion sensation, the Parachute brand from
Montreal was recognized for its visionary, bold apparel and
innovative concept stores. Avant-garde in attitude and design,
Parachute brought together high and low, the establishment and the
underground.The clothing was defined by androgynous looks,
oversized silhouettes, elevated essentials, and graphic references
to past and future, from exaggerated trench coats to “space samurai
kimonos.” Together with a considered retail presence, which
combined an industrial aesthetic in the stores with exuberant
photography campaigns, the brand created a vision for street
fashion that is keenly relevant today. Walker explores the history
of the brand through hundreds of images, many never published,
including personal photography from the founders of the label
alongside striking editorial and campaign imagery. A go-to label
for stars like Madonna, Peter Gabriel, and David Bowie, Parachute
both encapsulated the exuberance of the 1980s and signaled the
future in clothing and retail.Uniquely designed with ephemera
layered over photographs as if in the founders’ own scrapbooks,
this is a definitive insight into a highly influential cult 1980s
brand, and a key reference for fashion historians and designers
alike. The text for this book is in both English and French.
Najočakávanejšia epická fantasy sága roka! V krajine bez akejkoľvek
mágie, kde vládne krutý kráľ, je na kráľovský dvor povolaná
najnebezpečnejšia nájomná vrahyňa. Prichádza, aby získala späť
svoju slobodu, nie aby zabila kráľa. Ak v turnaji porazí dvadsaťtri
nájomných vrahov, zlodejov a žoldnierov, prepustia ju z väzenia a
po štvorročnej službe ako kráľova šampiónka získa späť svoju
slobodu. Jej meno je Celaena Sardothien. Korunný princ si Celaenu
na túto úlohu najal a je jej jediným spojencom. Kapitán kráľovskej
gardy je zas jej pravým ochrancom. V komnatách a chodbách Zámku zo
skla sa však schováva niečo oveľa nebezpečnejšie... A keď začne
Celaeniných protivníkov niekto po jednom likvidovať, jej zápas o
slobodu sa mení na boj o holé prežitie. Tajomný nepriateľ sa totiž
neuspokojí, kým nebude ležať celý svet v troskách.
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