Patriarchy Inc.

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18,95 €
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Krátky popis
PATRIARCHY INC. offers a razor-sharp and quick-witted analysis of why we need a new approach to fixing the gender inequality embedded in work.Work - who does what tasks in society, and what they get in return - is at the heart of social justice. Even today, the gender system brings about a gendered division of labour that is both cause and consequence of men's greater status and power.These dynamics limit what we can do and be, unfairly tip the scales when it comes to what we get in return, create gendered distortions of competence and productivity, and irrational resistance to reforms that would make our workplaces more productive and fairer. The effects seep well beyond workplaces, contributing to poverty, undermining health, putting pressure on family life and preserving females' second-class status, and causing real harm and injustice for both sexes.But progress in dismantling these arrangements is being stymied by two false visions that pervade mainstream debate and discussion.The business-case Diversity, Equality &,amp, Inclusion (DEI) approach offers us band-aid solutions, sold to powerful stakeholders with promises of enhanced profits and performance, while ",Different But Equal", perspectives reassure that contemporary arrangements are fair, and reflect natural differences between the sexes.In response, Patriarchy Inc. offers perceptive and much-needed insight into persistent inequalities in who does what and who gets what, dispels the false visions of gender equality that distract us, and charts a path towards effective, common-sense reforms that will make workplaces and society fairer and freer for everyone.
Výber kníh autorov Atlantic Books , Cordelia Fine

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Výber kníh vydavateľa Slovart

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