Patterns of India

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Patterns of India kúpite na
31,30 €
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Krátky popis
It’s the trip of a lifetime—a textile-based tour of colorful Rajasthan, India featuring more than 200 lush photographs depicting everyday life in one of the most vibrant regions in the world.”Get lost in the beauty of the photographs in&,nbsp,Patterns of India,&,nbsp,a striking journey through the colorful Indian state of Rajasthan.”—BuzzFeedPatterns of India&,nbsp,is a visual experience that offers intimate insights into the diverse and richly hued Western Indian culture. Color is the thread that binds the vast country together, defining every aspect of life from religion and politics to food and dress. Organized by the five dominant colors royal blue, sandstone, marigold, ivory, and rose, this book explores how deeply color and pattern exist in a symbiotic relationship and are woven into every part of the culture. For instance, the fuchsia found in the draping fabric of a sari is matched by the vibrant chains of roses offered at temple, and the burnt orange spices in the marketplaces are reflected in the henna tattoos given to brides and wedding guests. While every color is imbued with meaning, it is often within the details of patterns that the full story comes to light.Photographer and writer Christine Chitnis spent over a decade traveling through, getting to know, and falling in love with the intricate patterns of everyday Rajasthani life. With history and culture-based essays woven throughout the more than 200 stunning photographs of architecture, markets, cuisine, art, textiles, and everyday goings-on,&,nbsp,Patterns of India&,nbsp,captures the beauty and essence of this unique part of the world.

Zobraziť všetky knihy autora Potter/Ten Speed/Harmony/Rodale, Christine Chitnis
Výber kníh vydavateľa Slovart

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