Pink Floyd - The Later Years 1987 - 2019 5CD+5DVD+6BD+2x7"Vinyl
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KDO: Pink Floyd jsou nepochybně jednou z nejzásadnějších skupin
hudební historie. Jejich experimentální rocková muzika ovlivnila
miliony posluchačů a inspirovala několik generací hudebníků. Vždy
je zdobil progresivní přístup při hledání nových možností, kladli
důraz na koncepční propojení zvuku s obrazem. Měli jedinečné nápady
a pořádali originální výpravné koncerty. Od roku 1964, kdy vznikli,
natočili čtrnáct studiových alb. Těžko hledat slavnější
art-rockovou skupinu! CO: Pink Floyd vydávají obsáhlou sbírku
exkluzivních nahrávek The Later Years 1987-2019, která mapuje
tvorbu kapely po roce 1987. Patří do ní desky A Momentary Lapse of
Reason, The Division Bell a The Endless River, stejně jako živá
alba Delicate Sound of Thunder a Pulse. Jde o nové verze nahrávek,
které vytvářeli David Gilmour a dlouholetý spolupracovník Pink
Floyd, zvukový inženýr Andy Jackson. The Later Years 1987-2019
nabízí 13 hodin dříve nevydaného zvukového a audiovizuálního
materiálu a umožňuje hlubší vhled do dějin kapely od roku 1987 po
současnost. Rozsáhlý box je sestaven z pěti CD, šesti Blu-Ray a
pěti DVD, dále obsahuje šedesátistránkovou knihu s fotografiemi,
dva sedmipalcové singly a další vzácnosti. Opulentní komplet
doplňuje zredukovaná verze s výběrem těch nejdůležitějších skladeb
na CD nebo 2LP. CD1: A Momentary Lapse of Reason (Updated and
Remixed) 1. Signs Of Life 2. Learning To Fly 3. The Dogs Of War 4.
One Slip 5. On The Turning Away 6. Yet Another Movie 7. Round And
Around 8. A New Machine Part 1 9. Terminal Frost 10. A New Machine
Part 2 11. Sorrow CD2: Delicate Sound of Thunder (Remixed) 1. Shine
On You Crazy Diamond, Parts 1-5 2. Signs Of Life 3. Learning To Fly
4. Yet Another Movie 5. Round And Around 6. A New Machine Part 1 7.
Terminal Frost 8. A New Machine Part 2 9. Sorrow 10. The Dogs Of
War 11. On The Turning Away CD3: Delicate Sound of Thunder
(continued) 1. One Of These Days 2. Time 3. On The Run 4. The Great
Gig In The Sky 5. Wish You Were Here 6. Welcome To The Machine 7.
Us And Them 8. Money 9. Another Brick In The Wall, Part 2 10.
Comfortably Numb 11. One Slip 12. Run Like Hell CD4: 1987 & 1994
Live Recordings (Unreleased Studio Recordings) 1. One Of These Days
(live in Hanover 1994) 2. Astronomy Domine (live in Miami 1994) 3.
The Dogs Of War (live in Atlanta 1987) 4. On The Turning Away (live
in Atlanta 1987) 5. Run Like Hell (live in Atlanta 1987) 6. Blues 1
(unreleased 1994 recording) 7. Slippery Guitar (unreleased 1994
recording) 8. Rick's Theme (unreleased 1994 recording) 9. David's
Blues (unreleased 1994 recording) 10. Marooned Jam (unreleased 1994
recording) 11. Nervana (unreleased 1994 recording) 12. High Hopes
(Early version) (unreleased 1994 recording) CD5: 1990 Knebworth
Concert (Remixed) 1. Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Parts 1-5 2. The
Great Gig In The Sky 3. Wish You Were Here 4. Sorrow 5. Money 6.
Comfortably Numb 7. Run Like Hell BD1: Surround and High Resolution
Audio (Updated & Remixed) A Momentary Lapse Of Reason (Remixed) 1.
Signs Of Life 2. Learning To Fly 3. The Dogs Of War 4. One Slip 5.
On The Turning Away 6. Yet Another Movie 7. Round And Around 8. A
New Machine Part 1 9. Terminal Frost 10. A New Machine Part 2 11.
Sorrow The Division Bell (2014 Remix) 1. Cluster One 2. What Do You
Want From Me 3. Poles Apart 4. Marooned 5. A Great Day For Freedom
6. Wearing The Inside Out 7. Take It Back 8. Coming Back To Life 9.
Keep Talking 10. Lost For Words 11. High Hopes Unreleased Studio
Recordings 1. Blues 1 (unreleased 1994 recording 5.1 mix) 2.
Slippery Guitar (unreleased 1994 recording 5.1 mix) 3. Rick's Theme
(unreleased 1994 recording 5.1 mix) 4. David's Blues (unreleased
1994 recording 5.1 mix) 5. Marooned Jam (unreleased 1994 recording
5.1 mix) 6. Nervana (unreleased 1994 recording 5.1 mix) 7. High
Hopes (Early Version) (Alternative Version 5.1 mix) BD2: Delicate
Sound of Thunder (Restored & Remixed) 1. Shine On You Crazy
Diamond, Parts 1-5 2. Signs Of Life 3. Learning To Fly 4. Sorrow 5.
The Dogs Of War 6. On The Turning Away 7. One Of These Days 8. Time
9. On The Run 10. The Great Gig In The Sky 11. Wish You Were Here
12. Us And Them 13. Money 14. Comfortably Numb 15. One Slip 16. Run
Like Hell BD3: Pulse (Restored & Re-edited) 1. Shine On You Crazy
Diamond, Parts 1-5, 7 2. Learning To Fly 3. High Hopes 4. Take It
Back 5. Coming Back To Life 6. Sorrow 7. Keep Talking 8. Another
Brick In The Wall, Part 2 9. One Of These Days 10. Speak To Me 11.
Breathe (In The Air) 12. On The Run 13. Time 14. The Great Gig In
The Sky 15. Money 16. Us And Them 17. Any Colour You Like 18. Brain
Damage 19. Eclipse 20. Wish You Were Here 21. Comfortably Numb 22.
Run Like Hell BD4: 1989/1990 Venice Concert and Knebworth Concert
Venice Concert 1. Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Part 1 2. Learning To
Fly 3. Yet Another Movie 4. Round And Around 5. Sorrow 6. The Dogs
Of War 7. On The Turning Away 8. Time 9. The Great Gig In The Sky
10. Wish You Were Here 11. Money 12. Another Brick In The Wall,
Part 2 13. Comfortably Numb 14. Run Like Hell 15. Fireworks
Knebworth Concert 1. Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Parts 1-5 2. The
Great Gig In The Sky 3. Wish You Were Here 4. Sorrow 5. Money 6.
Comfortably Numb 7. Run Like Hell BD5: Unreleased Live Films, Music
Videos & Screen Films Music Videos 1. Learning To Fly 2. Marooned
3. Take It Back 4. High Hopes 5. Louder Than Words 6. Learning To
Fly (alternate version) Bonus Live Tracks from Delicate Sound of
Thunder 1. Yet Another Movie 2. Round And Around 3. A New Machine
Part 1 4. Terminal Frost 5. A New Machine Part 2 Tour Rehearsal
1994 1. A Great Day for Freedom Version 1 2. A Great Day for
Freedom Version 2 3. Lost for Words Concert Screen Films 1987 1.
Signs of Life 2. Learning To Fly 3. The Dogs of War 4. One Of These
Days 5. Speak To Me 6. On The Run 7. Us And Them 8. Money 9. Brain
Damage + Eclipse Concert Screen Films 1994 1. Shine On You Crazy
Diamond, Parts 1-4, 7 2. Speak To Me 3. Time 4. The Great Gig In
The Sky 5. Money 6. Us And Them (Black & White) 7. Us And Them
(Colour) 8. Brain Damage + Eclipse - North American dates 9. Brain
Damage + Eclipse - European dates 10. Brain Damage - Earls Court,
London dates Wish You Were (Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame Induction) 1.
Wish You Were Here with Billy Corgan BD6: Documentaries And
Unreleased Material 1. Arnold Layne (Live at Syd Barrett Tribute
2007) 2. 'A Momentary Lapse of Reason' - Album Cover Photo Shoot 3.
'The Division Bell' heads album cover photography (Ely,
Cambridgeshire, UK) 4. 'Pulse' TV ad 1995 5. 'The Endless River'
film By Ian Emes 6. 'A Momentary Lapse of Reason' cover shoot
interview with David Gilmour and Storm Thorgerson 7. 'The Division
Bell' Airships 1994 8. Behind The Scenes - 'The Division Bell' Tour
9. Arnold Layne Rehearsal (Syd Barrett tribute 2007) 10. 'The
Endless River' - Launch Event 2014 11. 'The Endless River' EPK 2014
DVD1: Delicate Sound of Thunder (Restored & Remixed) 1. Shine On
You Crazy Diamond, Parts 1-5 2. Signs Of Life 3. Learning To Fly 4.
Sorrow 5. The Dogs Of War 6. On The Turning Away 7. One Of These
Days 8. Time 9. On The Run 10. The Great Gig In The Sky 11. Wish
You Were Here 12. Us And Them 13. Money 14. Comfortably Numb 15.
One Slip 16. Run Like Hell DVD2: Pulse (Restored & Re-edited) 1.
Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Parts 1-5, 7 2. Learning To Fly 3. High
Hopes 4. Take It Back 5. Coming Back To Life 6. Sorrow 7. Keep
Talking 8. Another Brick In The Wall, Part 2 9. One Of These Day
10. Speak To Me 11. Breathe (In The Air) 12. On The Run 13. Time
14. The Great Gig In The Sky 15. Money 16. Us And Them 17. Any
Colour You Like 18. Brain Damage 19. Eclipse 20. Wish You Were Here
21. Comfortably Numb 22. Run Like Hell DVD3: 1989/1990 Venice
Concert and Knebworth Concerts Venice Concert 1. Shine On You Crazy
Diamond, Part 1 2. Learning To Fly 3. Yet Another Movie 4. Round
And Around 5. Sorrow 6. The Dogs Of War 7. On The Turning Away 8.
Time 9. The Great Gig In The Sky 10. Wish You Were Here 11. Money
12. Another Brick In The Wall, Part 2 13. Comfortably Numb 14. Run
Like Hell 15. Fireworks Knebworth Concert 1. Shine On You Crazy
Diamond, Parts 1-5 2. The Great Gig In The Sky 3. Wish You Were
Here 4. Sorrow 5. Money 6. Comfortably Numb 7. Run Like Hell DVD4:
Unreleased Live Films, Music Videos & Screen Films Music Videos 1.
Learning To Fly 2. Marooned 3. Take It Back 4. High Hopes 5. Louder
Than Words 6. Learning To Fly (alternate version) Bonus Live Tracks
from Delicate Sound of Thunder 1. Yet Another Movie 2. Round And
Around 3. A New Machine Part 1 4. Terminal Frost 5. A New Machine
Part 2 Tour Rehearsal 1994 1. A Great Day for Freedom Version 1 2.
A Great Day for Freedom Version 2 3. Lost for Words Concert Screen
Films 1987 1. Signs of Life 2. Learning To Fly 3. The Dogs of War
4. One Of These Days 5. Speak To Me 6. On The Run 7. Us And Them 8.
Money 9. Brain Damage + Eclipse Concert Screen Films 1994 1. Shine
On You Crazy Diamond, Parts 1-4, 7 2. Speak To Me 3. Time 4. The
Great Gig In The Sky 5. Money 6. Us And Them (Black & White) 7. Us
And Them (Colour) 8. Brain Damage + Eclipse - North American dates
9. Brain Damage + Eclipse - European dates 10. Brain Damage - Earls
Court, London dates Wish You Were (Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame
Induction) 1. Wish You Were Here with Billy Corgan DVD5:
Documentaries and Unreleased Material 1. Arnold Layne (Live at Syd
Barrett Tribute 2007) 2. 'A Momentary Lapse of Reason' - Album
Cover Photo Shoot 3. 'The Division Bell' heads album cover
photography (Ely, Cambridgeshire, UK) 4. 'Pulse' TV ad 1995 5. 'The
Endless River' film By Ian Emes 6. 'A Momentary Lapse of Reason'
cover shoot interview with David Gilmour and Storm Thorgerson 7.
'The Division Bell' Airships 1994 8. Behind The Scenes - 'The
Division Bell' Tour 9. Arnold Layne Rehearsal (Syd Barrett tribute
2007) 10. 'The Endless River' - Launch Event 2014 11. 'The Endless
River EPK' 2014 LP1 - 7" 1. Arnold Layne (Live - Syd Barrett
Tribute concert, 2007) LP2 - 7" 1. Lost For Words (from the Pulse
tour rehearsals at Earl's Court)