Pop Goes the Weasel

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Krátky popis
The heart-stopping thriller from the author of Richard &,amp, Judy Book Club pick Eeny Meeny 'Detective Inspector Helen Grace is one of the greatest heroes to come along in years' Jeffery Deaver, New York Times bestselling author of The Skin Collector and Solitude Creek'A grisly, gripping thriller' Sunday Mirror______ A man's body is found in an empty house. His heart has been cut out and delivered to his wife and children. He is the first victim, and Detective Inspector Helen Grace knows he will not be the last.But why would a happily married man be this far from home in the dead of night? . . .The media call it Jack the Ripper in reverse: a serial killer preying on family men who lead hidden double lives. Helen can sense the fury behind the murders. But what she cannot possibly predict is how volatile this killer is - or what is waiting for her at the end of the chase .. . ______ 'M.J. Arlidge has created a genuinely fresh heroine in DI Helen Grace' Daily Mail 'Taut, fast-paced, truly excellent' Sun 'A macabre, theatrical thriller that gripped me with every twist' Woman and Home 'Chilling stuff' Fabulist 'A chilling read' My Weekly'This is going to be as big as Jo Nesbo' Judy Finnigan 'Gruesomely realistic, intriguing and relentless. Arlidge's fledgling army of fans is about to grow' Sunday Sport 'One of the best new series detectives .. . Mesmerizing!' Lisa Gardner 'Expertly pulled off.It has a devious premise. DI Helen Grace is fiendishly awesome. It's scary as all hell.And it has a full cast of realistically drawn, interesting characters that make the thing read like a bullet' Will Lavender 'A fast-paced, twisting police procedural and thriller that's sure to become another bestseller' Huffington Post
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