Presley Elvis - '68 Comeback Special: 50 Anniversary (Deluxe) 5CD+2BD
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Krátky popis
Elvis Aaron Presley (8. januára 1935 – 16. augusta 1977), často
označovaný iba ako "Elvis", bol americký spevák a herec. Známy ako
„kráľ rock and rollu“ je považovaný za jednu z najvýznamnejších
kultúrnych osobností 20. storočia. Presleyho energická
interpretácia piesní a sexuálne provokatívny štýl vystúpenia v
kombinácii s mimoriadne silnou zmesou vplyvov naprieč farebnými
líniami počas transformačnej éry v rasových vzťahoch ho priviedli k
veľkému úspechu a počiatočnej kontroverzii. Elvis, ktorý predal po
celom svete približne 500 miliónov nahrávok, je jedným z
najpredávanejších hudobných umelcov všetkých čias. Bol komerčne
úspešný v mnohých žánroch vrátane popu, country, rhythm & blues,
súčasníka pre dospelých a gospelu. Vyhral tri ceny Grammy, vo veku
36 rokov dostal cenu Grammy za celoživotné dielo a bol uvedený do
viacerých hudobných siení slávy. Je tiež držiteľom niekoľkých
rekordov, vrátane najviac RIAA certifikovaných zlatých a
platinových albumov, najviac albumov v rebríčku Billboard 200,
najviac albumov na prvom mieste od sólového umelca v UK Albums
Chart a najviac singlov na prvom mieste od akýkoľvek akt na UK
Singles Chart. V roku 2018 bol Presley posmrtne ocenený
Prezidentskou medailou slobody. Obsah: CD1: ELVIS (NBC-TV Special)
original album and outtakes CD2: First “sit-down” and “stand-up”
shows – June 27 and 29, 1968 CD3: Second “sit-down” and “stand-up”
shows – June 27 and 29, 1968 CD4: First and second rehearsals in
Elvis’ dressing room – June 24 and 25, 1968 CD5: The Wrecking Crew
Sessions: studio outtakes from the special – June 20-23, 1968
BRD1-2: Original and extended cuts of television special, complete
“sit-down” and “stand-up” shows and outtakes Tracklist:: CD1: 1.
Trouble / Guitar Man 2. Medley: Lawdy, Miss Clawdy / Baby, What You
Want Me to Do / Heartbreak Hotel / Hound Dog / All Shook Up / Can't
Help Falling In Love / Jailhouse Rock / Love Me Tender 3. Medley:
Where Could I Go But to the Lord / Up Above My Head / Saved 4.
Medley: Blue Christmas / One Night 5. Memories 6. Medley:
Nothingville / Big Boss Man / Guitar Man / Little Egypt /
Trouble/Guitar Man 7. If I Can Dream 8. It Hurts Me 9. Let Yourself
Go 10. Memories 11. If I Can Dream CD2: 1. That's All Right (First
'Sit-Down' Show) 2. Heartbreak Hotel 3. Love Me (First 'Sit-Down'
Show) 4. Baby, What You Want Me To Do (First 'Sit-Down' Show) 5.
Blue Suede Shoes (First 'Sit-Down' Show) 6. Baby, What You Want Me
To Do (First 'Sit-Down' Show) 7. Lawdy Miss Clawdy (First
'Sit-Down' Show) 8. Are You Lonesome Tonight? (First 'Sit-Down'
Show) 9. When My Blue Moon Turns To Gold Again (First 'Sit-Down'
Show) 10. Blue Christmas (First 'Sit-Down' Show) 11. Trying To Get
To You (First 'Sit-Down' Show) 12. One Night 13. Baby, What You
Want Me To Do (First 'Sit-Down' Show) 14. One Night 15. Memories
16. Heartbreak Hotel 17. Hound Dog (First 'Stand-Up Show) 18. All
Shook Up (First 'Sit-Down' Show) 19. Can't Help Falling in Love
(First 'Stand-Up' Show) 20. Jailhouse Rock (First 'Stand-Up' Show
21. Don't Be Cruel (First 'Stand-Up' Show) 22. Blue Suede Shoes 23.
Love Me Tender (First 'Stand-Up' Show) 24. Trouble (First
'Stand-Up' Show) 25. Baby, What You Want Me To Do (First 'Stand-Up'
Show) 26. If I Can Dream (First 'Stand-Up' Show) CD3: 1. Heartbreak
Hotel (Second 'Sit-Down' Show) - 2. Baby, What You Want Me To Do 3.
Introductions (Second 'Sit-Down' Show) 4. That's All Right (Second
'Sit-Down' Show) 5. Are You Lonesome Tonight? (Second 'Sit-Down'
Show) 6. Baby, What You Want Me To Do 7. Blue Suede Shoes (Second
'Sit-Down' Show) - 8. One Night (Second 'Sit-Down' Show) - 9. Love
Me (Second 'Sit-Down Show) 10. Trying To Get To You (Second
'Sit-Down' Show) 11. Lawdy, Miss Clawdy (Second 'Sit-Down' Show)
12. Santa Claus Is Back In Town (Second 'Sit-Down' Show) 13. Blue
Christmas (Second 'Sit-Down' Show) 14. Tiger Man (Second 'Sit-Down'
Show) 15. When My Blue Moon Turns To Gold Again (Second 'Sit-Down'
Show) 16. Memories (Second 'Sit-Down' Show) 17. Heartbreak Hotel
(Second 'Stand-Up' Show) 18. Hound Dog (Second 'Stand-Up' Show) 19.
All Shook Up (Second 'Stand-Up' Show) 20. Can't Help Falling In
Love (Second 'Stand-Up' Show) 21. Jailhouse Rock 22. Don't Be Cruel
(Second 'Stand-Up' Show) 23. Blue Suede Shoes 24. Love Me Tender
25. Medley: Trouble/Guitar Man (Second 'Stand-Up' Show) 26. Medley:
Trouble/Guitar Man 27. If I Can Dream (Second 'Stand-Up' Show) CD4:
1. I Got A Woman (First Rehearsal) 2. Medley: Blue Moon/Young
Love/Oh, Happy Day (First Rehearsal) 3. When It Rains It Really
Pours (First Rehearsal) 4. Blue Christmas (First Rehearsal) 5.
Medley: Are You Lonesome Tonight?/That's My Desire 6. That's When
Your Heartaches Begin (First Rehearsal) 7. Peter Gunn Theme (First
Rehearsal) 8. Love Me 9. When My Blue Moon Turns To Gold Again
(First Rehearsal) 10. Medley: Blue Christmas/Santa Claus Is Back In
Town 11. Danny Boy (Second Rehearsal) 12. Baby, What You Want Me To
Do 13. Love Me (Second Rehearsal) 14. Tiger Man 15. Santa Claus Is
Back In Town (Second Rehearsal) 16. Lawdy, Miss Clawdy (Second
Rehearsal) 17. One Night (Second Rehearsal) 18. Blue Christmas
(Second Rehearsal) 19. Baby, What You Want Me To Do 20. When My
Blue Moon Turns To Gold Again (Second Rehearsal) 21. Blue Moon Of
Kentucky CD5: 1. Nothingville (Guitar Man's Evil #1) 2. Guitar Man
(Guitar Man's Evil #1) 3. Let Yourself Go, part 1 (Guitar Man's
Evil #2) 4. Let Yourself Go, part 2 (Guitar Man's Evil #3) 5.
Guitar Man (Escape #1, fast) 6. Big Boss Man (Escape #3) 7. It
Hurts Me, part 1 (Escape #4) 8. It Hurts Me, part 2 (After Karate
#1) 9. Guitar Man (After Karate #2) 10. Little Egypt (After Karate
#2) 11. Trouble / Guitar Man (After Karate #3) 12. Sometimes I Feel
Like A Motherless Child / Where Could I Go But To The Lord (Gospel
#1) 13. Up Above My Head / Saved (Gospel #2) 14. Saved (Gospel #3)
15. Trouble / Guitar Man (Opening) 16. If I Can Dream 17. If I Can
Dream 18. Memories 19. Let Yourself Go BRD1: 1. Opening Production
Number 2. Lawdy Miss Clawdy 3. Baby, What You Want Me To Do 4.
Medley: Heartbreak Hotel / Hound Dog / All Shook Up 5. Can't Help
Falling In Love 6. Jailhouse Rock 7. Can I borrow your little
whatchacallit?/This leather suit's hot 8. Love Me Tender 9. Are You
Lonesome Tonight? 10. Rock & roll music is . . . 11. Gospel
Production Number 12. Baby, What You Want Me To Do 13. Blue
Christmas 14. Man, I just work here./No strap. 15. One Night 16.
Memories 17. Guitar Man Production Number 18. If I Can Dream - Show
Closer 19. Credits Roll 20. Elvis takes the stage. 21. Elvis
introduces band-mates. 22. That's All Right 23. Heartbreak
Hotel/Spoken Word 24. Love Me 25. Swapping axes./Are we on
television? 26. Baby, What You Want Me To Do 27. Touching body with
hands./Rock & roll music is . . . 28. Blue Suede Shoes 29. Baby,
What You Want Me To Do 30. Something wrong with my lip./He's gotta
be crazy. 31. Lawdy Miss Clawdy 32. Are You Lonesome Tonight? 33.
When My Blue Moon Turns To Gold Again 34. Blue Christmas 35. Trying
To Get To You 36. One Night - Somebody pulled the plug, man. 37.
Baby, What You Want Me To Do 38. Man, I just work here./No strap.
39. One Night 40. Memories 41. Audience warm-up./Mr. Elvis Presley.
42. Heartbreak Hotel 43. Baby, What You Want Me To Do 44. Elvis
refers to script./Introduces band-mates. 45. That's All
Right/Spoken Word 46. Are You Lonesome Tonight? 47. Baby, What You
Want Me To Do 48. Can't even touch myself./You gonna get arrested,
boy. 49. Blue Suede Shoes 50. We don't have a strap?/Lines from
MacArthur Park. 51. One Night 52. Love Me 53. Hanky flies
about./The new music./My style came from . . . 54. Trying To Get To
You/Spoken Word 55. Lawdy Miss Clawdy 56. Girl saves Elvis tissue
lint./Never ceases to amaze me, baby. 57. Santa Claus Is Back In
Town 58. Blue Christmas 59. Tiger Man 60. Another tissue
girl./MacArthur Park lines. 61. When My Blue Moon Turns To Gold
Again 62. Memories/Spoken Word 63. Audience warm-up./Here's Elvis
Presley. 64. Heartbreak Hotel/One Night - Sound Goes Out/Spoken
Word 65. Heartbreak Hotel/Hound Dog/All Shook Up/Spoken Word 66.
Can't Help Falling In Love 67. Jailhouse Rock 68. Don't Be Cruel
69. Blue Suede Shoes 70. Love Me Tender/Spoken Word 71. Anybody got
a handkerchief? 72. Trouble/Spoken Word 73. Baby, What You Want Me
To Do - Impromptu Jam 74. If I Can Dream - Lip-Synch Performance.
75. Audience warm-up./And it stars Elvis Presley./Heartbreak Hotel
- False start. 76. Heartbreak Hotel/Hound Dog/All Shook Up 77.
Can't Help Falling In Love 78. Jailhouse Rock 79. Don't Be Cruel -
Moby Dick! 80. Blue Suede Shoes - False start. One more time,
gently. 81. Blue Suede Shoes 82. Can I borrow your little
whatchacallit?/This leather suit's hot. 83. Love Me Tender 84.
Preparation./Who's that strange man out there, Elvis? 85. Trouble -
Should I be on the microphone here?/Spoken Word 86. Trouble - I got
my lip hung on the microphone./Spoken Word 87. Trouble/Guitar Man
88. Lines from MacArthur Park and Tiptoe Through The Tulips 89.
Trouble/Guitar Man/Spoken Word 90. If I Can Dream - Lip-Synch
Performance./Spoken Word BRD2: 1. Trouble/Guitar Man 2.
Trouble/Guitar Man 3. Trouble-Guitar Man/Spoken Word 4.
Trouble/Guitar Man 5. Trouble/Guitar Man 6. Trouble/Guitar Man 7.
Trouble/Guitar Man/Spoken Word 8. Trouble/Guitar Man/Spoken Word 9.
Trouble/Guitar Man/Spoken Word 10. If I Can Dream 11. If I Can
Dream/Spoken Word 12. If I Can Dream 13. If I Can Dream 14.
Huh-Huh-Huh Promo 15. Elvis Closing Credits Without Credits Roll
16. If I Can Dream - Special Music Video 2004 17. Sometimes I Feel
Like A Motherless Child/Where Could I Go But To The Lord/Up Above
My Head 18. Sometimes I Feel Like A Motherless Child/Where Could I
Go But To The Lord/Up Above My Head/Spoken Word 19. Sometimes I
Feel Like A Motherless Child/Where Could I Go But To The Lord/Up
Above My Head/Spoken Word 20. Sometimes I Feel Like A Motherless
Child 21. Sometimes I Feel Like A Motherless Child/Where Could I Go
But To The Lord/Spoken Word 22. Sometimes I Feel Like A Motherless
Child/Where Could I Go But To The Lord/Up Above My Head/Spoken Word
23. Up Above My Head/Saved/Spoken Word 24. Up Above My Head/Spoken
Word 25. Up Above My Head/Saved/Spoken Word 26. Up Above My
Head/Saved/Spoken Word 27. Up Above My Head/Saved/Spoken Word 28.
Up Above My Head/Saved/Spoken Word 29. Saved/Spoken Word 30. Saved
31. Saved 32. Saved/Spoken Word 33. Saved/Spoken Word 34. Saved 35.
Saved/Spoken Word 36. Saved/Spoken Word 37. Saved/Spoken Word 38.
Big Boss Man/Spoken Word 39. Big Boss Man/Spoken Word 40. Big Boss
Man/Spoken Word 41. Big Boss Man/Spoken Word 42. Big Boss
Man/Spoken Word 43. Big Boss Man/Spoken Word 44. Big Boss
Man/Spoken Word 45. Big Boss Man/Spoken Word 46. Big Boss Man 47.
Big Boss Man 48. It Hurts Me 49. It Hurts Me/Spoken Word 50. It
Hurts Me/Spoken Word 51. It Hurts Me/Spoken Word 52. It Hurts
Me/Spoken Word 53. It Hurts Me/Spoken Word 54. It Hurts Me 55. It
Hurts Me/Spoken Word 56. It Hurts Me/Spoken Word 57. It Hurts Me
58. It Hurts Me/Spoken Word 59. It Hurts Me/Spoken Word 60. It
Hurts Me 61. It Hurts Me/Spoken Word 62. It Hurts Me/Spoken Word
63. It Hurts Me 64. Let Yourself Go/Spoken Word 65. Let Yourself Go
66. Let Yourself Go/Spoken Word 67. Let Yourself Go/Spoken Word 68.
Let Yourself Go/Spoken Word 69. Let Yourself Go 70. Let Yourself Go
71. Let Yourself Go 72. Let Yourself Go 73. Let Yourself Go 74. Let
Yourself Go 75. Let Yourself Go 76. Let Yourself Go 77. Bordello -
Insert Shots/Spoken Words 78. Bordello - Insert Shots/Spoken Word
79. Bordello - Insert Shots/Spoken Recording 80. Bordello - Insert
Shots 81. Bordello - Insert Shots/Spoken Recording 82. Bordello -
Insert Shots 83. Bordello - Insert Shots 84. Bordello - Insert
Shots/Spoken Recording 85. Bordello - Insert Shots/Spoken Word 86.
Bordello - Insert Shots 87. Bordello - Insert Shots/Spoken Word 88.
Bordello - Insert Shots/Spoken Word 89. Nothingville 90.
Nothingville/Spoken Word 91. Nothingville/Spoken Word 92. Guitar
Man/Spoken Word 93. Guitar Man/Spoken Word 94. Guitar Man 95.
Guitar Man/Spoken Word 96. Guitar Man 97. Guitar Man/Spoken Word
98. Guitar Man 99. Guitar Man/Spoken Word 100. Guitar Man/Spoken
Word 101. Guitar Man/Spoken Word 102. Guitar Man/Spoken Word 103.
Guitar Man/Spoken Word 104. Guitar Man/Spoken Word 105. Guitar Man
106. Little Egypt/Trouble/Spoken Word 107. Little Egypt/Trouble
108. Little Egypt/Trouble/Spoken Word 109. Little
Egypt/Trouble/Spoken Word 110. Trouble/Spoken Word 111.
Trouble/Spoken Word 112. Trouble/Spoken Word 113. Trouble/Spoken
Word 114. Trouble/Spoken Word