Printed Textile Design: Profession, Trends and Project Development. Text and Exercise Book

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Printed Textile Design: Profession, Trends and Project Development. Text and Exercise Book kúpite na
41,74 €
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The book describes the particularities of printed textile design, the trends, the techniques for creating motifs for a textile project, and examples of their composition and application. This unchanged hardback edition of our richly illustrated publication walks the reader through the different aspects of printed textile design as a process and a profession. The intention of this book is to present an overall panorama of the world of printed textile design. The authors - both design school teachers responsible for textile design training at the prestigious fashion, textile and luxury goods design school, Francoise Conte (Paris, France) - describe the areas of activity and involvement of the textile designer to help the reader understand the ins and outs of the profession, especially within the fashion and the home sector. They pay special attention to current tendencies and offer an excellent insight on how to interpret trends, which is essential for making a living in this profession. The book also includes a presentation of the stages of project design, creation and execution.The featured projects provide the reader with outstanding explanatory case studies and exercises in every chapter. This textbook is a key aid for design teachers, students and young professionals. It also includes a highly useful list of schools, professional publications and organisations. AUTHORS: Marie-Christine Noel is a lecturer in Applied Arts. She graduated from the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Arts Decoratifs (Textile Design) and the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris (Painting). For the last ten years she has been working for the Carlin International Style Agency as manager of the textile department. She is now pedagogical director of introductory courses and head of post-graduate courses at the School of Art Francois Conte, Paris, France. Michael Cailloux was born in Paris in 1975 and gained a diploma in Applied Arts from the Ecole Duperre. He was co-creator of the Atelier LZC which specialised in the creation of design objects, working for over ten years on the collections displayed at the Maison et Objets, as well as creating personalised pieces for such brands as Baccarat, Cartier, Habitat, Van Cleef & Arpels, and S.T. Dupont. He is currently artistic director at the Ecole superieure d'art Francoise Conte, specialised in textile creation, and he is also a jewellery designer. SELLING POINTS: The book concentrates on printed textile-design training and the specifics of the profession. It defines the profile and skills needed to be a textile designer. The authors show the steps involved in developing a project, from the interpretation of trends to the design and production processes, including exercises in every chapter. The book is currently used as a set text in many French textile design schools.
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